- Johnny Aguilar
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- johnnyaguilar@delta.edu
- 989-686-9239

- Amy Ahler
- Accountant
- Workforce Strategies
- P160B
- amyahler@delta.edu
- 989-758-3631

- Terrie Ahlers
- Reference Librarian
- Library
- A118
- terrieahlers@delta.edu
- 989-686-9874

- Brian Aldrich
- Professor
- Chemistry
- D159
- brianaldrich@delta.edu
- 989-686-9115

- Tamar Aldrich
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- tamaraldrich@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Ezra Alexander
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- aealexander@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Janet Alexander
- Professor
- English
- S205
- jmalexan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9399

- Barbara Allen
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Mathematics
- G211
- bsallen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Daniel Allen
- Associate Dean - Social Sciences Division
- Social Sciences Division
- G107
- danielallen3@delta.edu
- 989-686-9062

- Isaac Allen
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- isaacallen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Lark Allen
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- larkallen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Timothy Allen
- Professor
- Mathematics
- F226
- tlallen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9142

- Amy Ames
- Business Service Manager, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- amyames@delta.edu
- 989-318-4403

- Brad Amey
- Head Women's Soccer Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- bradamey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Athanasios Anagnost
- Associate Head Soccer Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- tomanagnost@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Brandon Anderson
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- brandonanderson5@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Kimberly Anderson
- Adjunct Instructor
- Communication
- J102
- kimberlyanderson4@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Paul Anderson
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- paulanderson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Edward Andres
- Facilities Planning Assistant
- Facilities Management
- P029
- ejandres@delta.edu
- 989-686-9007

- Sherri Archer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- sherriarcher@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Amy Armbruster
- Coordinator
- Workforce Strategies
- P160A
- amyarmbruster@delta.edu
- 989-758-3620

- Jenny Armentrout
- Adjunct Instructor
- Communication
- G109
- jennyarmentrout@delta.edu
- 989-686-9184

- Casey Armour
- Assistant Professor
- Biology
- F236
- caseyarmour@delta.edu
- 989-686-9033

- Elizabeth Arroyo
- Workforce Experience Manager
- Workforce Strategies
- M129
- elizabetharroyo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9443

- Kaitlinn Atkinson
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- kaitlinnatkinson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9329

- Martin Austin
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- martinaustin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Walaa Awad
- Associate Dean - Health and Wellness Division
- Academic Services
- F233
- walaaawad@delta.edu
- 989-686-9565

- Eva Ayala
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- epuga@delta.edu
- 989-318-4381

- David Bailey
- Professional Developer
- Educational Support
- dbbailey@delta.edu

- Jacob Bailey
- IT Lab Support Technician
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- M121
- jacobbailey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Andrea Bair
- Associate Professor
- Geology
- F203
- andreabair@delta.edu
- 989-686-9252

- Brooke Baker
- Testing Center Coordinator
- Testing Center
- A110
- brookebaker2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9167

- David Baker
- Professor
- Chemistry
- D151
- dbaker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9257

- Rylinne Baker
- Fitness and Rec Center Operations Assistant
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- rylinnebaker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Aurelian Balan
- Professor
- Physics
- F206
- abalan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9412

- Mark Balawender
- Associate Professor
- Philosophy
- S250
- markbalawender@delta.edu
- 989-686-9485

- Justin Bamberg
- Lms and Multimedia Design Technologist
- eLearning
- J102
- justinbamberg@delta.edu
- 989-686-9398

- Darrian Banks
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- darrianbanks@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Rodrigo Barassi
- Adjunct Instructor
- Spanish
- S209
- rodrigobarassi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Connie Barber
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- J102
- ckbarber@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Rebecca Barber
- Special Event and Donation Coordinator
- Foundation Office
- A015
- rsbarber@delta.edu
- 989-686-9226

- Stuart Barbier
- Professor
- English
- S242
- sibarbie@delta.edu
- 989-686-9136

- Michele Barkley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- michelebarkley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Bradley Barlog
- Director of Athletics and Student Athlete Development
- Athletics
- N123
- bradleybarlog@delta.edu
- 989-686-9477

- Amy Barnhart
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- amybarnhart@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Alivia Barres
- Office Professional
- Dual Enrollment
- H111
- aliviabarres@delta.edu
- 989-686-9428

- Ben Barres
- Health Lab Assistant
- Health and Wellness Division
- F275
- benjaminbarres@delta.edu
- 989-686-5434

- Nola Barres
- Health Lab Assistant
- Health and Wellness Division
- F275
- nolabarres@delta.edu
- 989-686-9479

- Patricia Barry
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- patriciabarry@delta.edu
- 989-284-7946

- Matthew Bartolowits
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- J102
- matthewbartolowits@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Edward Bartoszek
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F233A
- edwardbartoszek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- David Baskind
- Professor
- Psychology
- S217
- debaskin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9374

- Nathan Bass
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- nathanbass@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Robert Battinkoff
- Director of Public Safety
- Public Safety
- N103
- robertbattinkoff@delta.edu
- 989-686-9145

- Ronald Beacom
- Tv Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- ronaldbeacom@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Denise Beasecker
- Associate Professor
- Nursing
- F262
- denisebeasecker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9259

- Eric Beasley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Sociology
- G109
- ericbeasley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Cody Beaver
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- codybeaver@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Rebecca Beechum
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- rebeccabeechum@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Ashleigh Begres
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- ashleighbegres@delta.edu
- 989-686-9074

- Pammy Behmlander
- Bookstore Specialist - Textbooks
- Bookstore
- N015
- plbehmla@delta.edu
- 989-686-9301

- Maryjo Behrmann
- Customer Service Associate
- Bookstore
- N015
- mbehrman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Loni Benkert
- Admin. Office Professional -Business and Technology Division
- Business and Technology
- A061
- lonibenkert@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Adam Bennett
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- adambennett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Aundra Bennett
- Head Men's Basketball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- aundrabennett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Thomas Bennett
- Broadcasting General Manager
- Broadcasting
- A052
- thomasbennett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9580

- Brian Berthiaume
- Fitness and Rec Center Operations Assistant
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- brianberthiaume@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Heather Beson
- Student Care Coordinator
- Student and Educational Services
- D120
- heatherbeson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9550

- Jeffrey Beson
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- M121
- jeffreybeson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Tamara Best
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- tamarabest@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Anirudha Bhandiwad
- Clinical Professional
- Respiratory Therapy
- F200
- anirudhabhandiwad@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Donald Bidwell
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- donaldbidwell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Kevin Bidwell
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- M121
- kevinbidwell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Roderick Bieber
- Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- roderickbieber@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Breeanna Billings KC
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- breeannabillingskc@delta.edu
- 989-272-8870

- Marianne Bird
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- mariannebird@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Megan Birdwell
- Stem Explorer Coordinator
- Science and Mathematics
- F205
- meganbirdwell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9524

- Marra Bishop
- Adjunct Instructor
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- F233A
- marrabishop@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Meredith Bishop
- Reference Librarian
- Library
- A118
- meredithbishop@delta.edu
- 989-686-9874

- Shane Bishop
- Fitness and Recreation Center Manager
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P111
- shanebishop@delta.edu
- 989-686-9518

- Terrence Blackmer
- Fire Science Technology Coordinator
- Fire Science Technology
- P171
- terrenceblackmer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9020

- Jacob Bladecki
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- jacobbladecki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Meredith Bladecki
- Associate Professor
- Nursing
- F230
- meredithbladecki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9264

- Cynthia Blahnik
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- cynthiablahnik@delta.edu
- 989-686-9077

- Jacob Blair
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- jacobblair@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Aryn Blanzy
- WRIT Consultant
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A110
- arynblanzy@delta.edu
- 989-686-9086

- Kimberly Boldt
- Assistant Professor
- Sonography
- F224
- kboldt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9361

- Jessica Bolton
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Assisting
- F132
- jessicabolton@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Michael Boman
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- J102
- michaelboman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Diane Bond
- Bookstore Worker
- Bookstore
- N015
- dbond@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Veronica Bond
- Business Services Specialist
- Business Services
- B116
- vmbond@delta.edu
- 989-686-9233

- David Bontekoe
- Planetarium Assistant
- Downtown Bay City/Planetarium
- davidbontekoe@delta.edu
- 989-667-2262

- Lauren Boon
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- laurenboon@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Timothy Borch
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Numerical Control
- J102
- timothyborch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Angela Boruszewski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- angelaboruszewski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Thomas Boudrot
- Associate Professor
- Political Science
- G116
- thomasboudrot@delta.edu
- 989-686-9633

- Lindsey Bourassa
- Director of Admissions, Dual Enrollment and Secondary Articula
- Admissions
- H117
- lindseybourassa@delta.edu
- 989-686-9366

- Craig Bowen
- Mechanical Maintenance Person
- Facilities Management
- P025
- craigbowen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9221

- Devin Box
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- G109
- devinbox@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Michael Brackrog
- Public Safety Officer
- Public Safety
- N102
- michaelbrackrog@delta.edu
- 989-686-9197

- Brianne Brady
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211a
- briannebrady@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Darrick Brake
- Adjunct Instructor
- Sociology
- J102
- darrickbrake@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Shelly Brandt
- Laboratory Associate (biology)
- Biology
- C129
- michellebrandt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9628

- Konnor Brennan
- Instructor
- Biology
- D165
- konnorbrennan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9262

- Joseph Brent
- Learning Resource Technician
- Business and Technology
- L124
- josephbrent@delta.edu
- 989-686-9379

- Eddie Brown
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- eddiebrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Harper Brown
- Acquisitions Assistant
- Library
- A131
- harperbrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9583

- Jason Brown
- Head Women's Basketball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- jasonbrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Mark Brown
- Professor
- English
- A090
- markbrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9024

- Matthew Brown
- Multimedia Content Coordinator
- Marketing and Public Information
- B150F
- matthewbrown6@delta.edu
- 989-686-9885

- Suzanne Brown
- Lecturer
- English
- S009
- suzannebrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9300

- Talisa Brown
- Administrative Services and Strategic Projects Manager
- Administrative Services
- B142
- talisabrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9204

- Timothy Brown
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- J102
- timothybrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Willie Brown
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- M121
- williebrown@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Yolanda Brown-Spidell
- Adjunct Instructor
- Sociology
- G109
- yolandabrownspidell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Reauna Brushaber
- Disability Resources Manager
- Disability Resources
- D105
- reaunabrushaber@delta.edu
- 989-686-9455

- Katharine Bublitz
- Adjunct Instructor
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- F233a
- katharinebublitz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Mallory Bunker
- Adjunct Instructor
- Engineering
- A061
- mallorybunker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Kristine Burch
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D103
- kristineburch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9375

- Carrie Burdzinski
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- F242
- carrieburdzinski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9066

- Felicia Burg
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- feliciaburg@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Ronald Burgeson
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- ronaldburgesonjr@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Bailey Burns
- Planetarium Coordinator
- Downtown Bay City/Planetarium
- baileyburns@delta.edu
- 989-667-2273

- Wendy Burns
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- F249
- wrburns@delta.edu
- 989-686-9285

- Kevin Burow
- Facility Controls Engineer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- kevinburow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9241

- Emily Burzynski
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- emilyburzynski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Martin Cameron
- Accounting Lecturer
- Accounting
- A082
- martincameron@delta.edu
- 989-686-9053

- Kelly Campfield
- Adjunct Instructor
- Engineering
- M121
- kellycampfield@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Terianne Carey
- Adjunct Instructor
- Economics
- J102
- teriannecarey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jeffrey Carpenter
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- jdcarpen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Artemis Carter
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- artemiscarter@delta.edu
- 989-272-8858

- Marcie Carter
- Manager of Downtown Midland
- Downtown Midland
- marciecarter@delta.edu
- 989-495-4017

- William Carter
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- wmcarter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Maureen Case
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- maureencase@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Randy Case
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- randycase@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Vanessa Castillo
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- vanessacastillo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Lawrence Causley
- Mechanical Maintenance Person
- Facilities Management
- P025
- lawrencecausley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Scott Causley
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- scottcausley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Kyle Ceci
- Librarian-Reference
- Library
- A118
- kylececi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9874

- LeeAnn Chadwick
- Nursing Success Coach
- Nursing
- F234
- leeannchadwick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9426

- Rachel Chaltraw
- Possible Dream Coordinator
- BEDI Office
- A003
- rachelchaltraw@delta.edu
- 989-686-9187

- Rowan Chapman
- Electrical Lab Technician
- Business and Technology
- M121
- rowanchapman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Lisa Charters
- Adjunct Instructor
- Philosophy
- J102
- lisacharters@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- John Chavez
- Instructor
- English
- S207
- johnchavez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9506

- Heidi Chernich
- Office Professional
- Educational Opportunity Center
- heidichernich@delta.edu
- 989-686-9470

- James Cherry
- Structured Learning Assistant Facilitator
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A110
- jecherry@delta.edu
- 989-686-9314

- Daniel Chiesa
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heating Ventilation Air Cond
- J102
- danielchiesa@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Wendy Childs
- Director of Human Resources
- Human Resources
- J109
- wschilds@delta.edu
- 989-686-9546

- Vanessa Chingman
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- vanessachingman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Stephanie Chiszar
- Adjunct Instructor
- F211A
- stephaniechiszar@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Alana Chriest
- Adjunct Instructor
- Sociology
- J102
- alanachriest@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Elizabeth Christensen
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S061
- elizabethchristensen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9336

- Wendy Chu
- Adjunct Instructor
- Music
- S209
- wendychu@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Tony Cianciolo
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- anthonycianciolo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9404

- Wyatt Ciesla
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- wyattciesla@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Rachel Claiborn
- Student Connections Office Professional - Downtown Saginaw
- Downtown Saginaw
- rachelclaiborn@delta.edu
- 989-758-3402

- Pamela Clark
- Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
- Institutional Advancement
- B156
- pamelaclark@delta.edu
- 989-686-9225

- Preston Clark
- Technologist/Learning Consultant
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- prestonclark@delta.edu
- 989-686-9562

- Toni Clegg
- Professor
- Accounting
- A076
- toniclegg@delta.edu
- 989-686-9148

- Emily Clement
- Associate Director of Transfer Partnerships
- Academic Services
- B164
- emilyclement@delta.edu
- 989-686-9392

- Stacey Cochran
- Adjunct Instructor
- Radiography
- F233a
- staceycochran@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Kelly Coffey
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- kellycoffey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Erica Collins
- Instructor
- Dental Assisting
- F245
- ericacollins@delta.edu
- 989-686-9099

- Lauren Collison
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- laurencollison@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Angelique Compton
- Head Women's Volleyball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- angeliquecompton@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Randolph Conklin II
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- randolphconklinii@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Elijah Connell
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- elijahconnell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Andra Cooley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- andracooley2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Tracy Corbat
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- A061
- tracycorbat@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Billy Cork
- Head Baseball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- billycork@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Erin Corle
- Instructor
- Communication
- S256
- erincorle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9425

- Kristin Cornelius
- Professor
- English
- S213
- kristincornelius@delta.edu
- 989-686-9437

- Janina Countegan
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D101
- janinacountegan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9084

- Michael Cousins
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- J102
- michaelcousins@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Angela Cramer
- Controller
- Finance
- B118
- ajcramer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9578

- Randal Crawford
- Professor
- Art
- S251
- randalcrawford@delta.edu
- 989-686-9456

- Sunny Crawley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Biology
- J102
- sunnycrawley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Cory Cripps
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- J102
- corycripps@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Joshua Crummer
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- joshuacrummer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Thomas Curpenski
- Public Safety Officer II
- Public Safety
- N102
- thomascurpenski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9124

- Reva Curry
- Vice President of Instruction/Learning Services
- Academic Services
- B131
- revacurry@delta.edu
- 989-686-9298

- Christopher Curtis
- Professor
- Psychology
- A087
- clcurtis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9138

- Michelle Cuvelier
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Coordinator, Great Lakes Bay Mi
- Workforce Strategies
- michellecuvelier@delta.edu
- 989-272-8299

- Eric Dalton
- Associate Head Baseball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- ericdalton@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Timothy Dana
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heating Ventilation Air Cond
- J102
- timothydana@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jeremy Dancer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- J102
- jeremydancer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Melanie Dancer
- Student Success Counselor
- Personal Counseling Services
- D116
- melaniedancer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9321

- Marie David
- Group Exercise Instructor
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- mariedavid@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Lauren Davis
- Lecturer
- English
- S004
- laurendavis2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9503

- Sariyah Dawson
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- sariyahdawson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Dawn DeCoe
- Public Safety Communications Specialist
- Public Safety
- N102b
- dawndecoe@delta.edu
- 989-686-9112

- Christopher DeEulis
- Director of Belonging, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- BEDI Office
- A003
- christopherdeeulis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9023

- Brad DeRoche
- Professor
- Music
- S126
- brderoch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9363

- Jennifer Debnam
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- J102
- jenniferdebnam@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kevin Dehne
- Associate Professor
- Physics
- D163
- ktdehne@delta.edu
- 989-686-9326

- Luke Deibel
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- lukedeibel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Jill Delaney
- Administrative Office Professional-Arts and Letters Division
- Arts and Letters
- S006
- jilldelaney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Thomas Delaney
- Team Supervisor
- Facilities Management
- P025
- thomasdelaney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9239

- Anthony Depelsmaeker
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- J102
- anthonydepelsmaeker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Edward Derbin
- Adjunct Instructor
- Economics
- A061
- edwardderbin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Ricky Deshano
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemical Process Industries
- J102
- rickdeshano@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Christopher Dewberry
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemistry
- D150
- christopherdewberry@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Justin Dey
- Clinical Professional
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- justindey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Jose Diaz Perez
- Adjunct Instructor
- Spanish
- S046
- josediazperez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9408

- Ericha Diegel
- Assistant Professor
- Dental Hygiene
- F214
- erichadiegel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9039

- Joseph Dietsch
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- josephdietsch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Allison Diffin
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- allisondiffin2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Heather Dillon
- Employment Services Manager - Great Lakes Bay MiWorks!
- Workforce Strategies
- heatherdillon@delta.edu
- 989-272-8569

- Melissa Dingman
- Scheduling Processor / Veteran's Certifying Official
- Registrar Office
- D102
- melissadingman2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9070

- Stephanie Dinsmoore
- Scholarship and Data Coordinator
- Foundation Office
- A012
- stephaniedinsmoore@delta.edu
- 989-686-9627

- Jennifer Dishaw
- DCPL Office Assistant
- Downtown Bay City/Planetarium
- jenniferdishaw2@delta.edu
- 989-667-2261

- Shannon Doerr
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- shannondoerr@delta.edu
- 989-686-9554

- Darci Doll
- Associate Professor
- Philosophy
- S238
- darcidoll@delta.edu
- 989-686-9149

- Maureen Donegan
- Professor
- Psychology
- S246
- maureendonegan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9293

- Julie Dorcey
- Foundation Manager
- Foundation Office
- A014
- juliedorcey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9079

- Ann Dore
- Associate Professor
- Nursing
- F217
- anndore@delta.edu
- 989-686-9150

- Paul Doyle
- Business Services Specialist, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works
- Workforce Strategies
- pauldoyle@delta.edu
- 989-557-0306

- Aron Drake
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- D168
- arondrake@delta.edu
- 989-686-9260

- Cindy Drake
- Professor
- Biology
- D162
- cynthiadrake@delta.edu
- 989-686-9433

- David Drescher
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heating Ventilation Air Cond
- J102
- daviddrescher@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Cynthia Drouse
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A064
- cjdrouse@delta.edu
- 989-686-9069

- Jennifer DuFresne
- Director of Workforce Strategies
- Workforce Strategies
- M128
- jenniferdufresne@delta.edu
- 989-758-3617

- Melissa Duby
- Printing Services Assistant
- Printing Services
- N040
- melissaduby@delta.edu
- 989-686-9482

- Donald Duchene
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- J102
- donaldduchene@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kaylye Dudd
- Adjunct Instructor
- Sterile Processing Technician
- F233
- kaylyedudd@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- William Duke
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- williamduke@delta.edu
- 989-280-1234

- Laura Dull
- Professor
- History
- A069
- lauradull@delta.edu
- 989-686-9188

- Billie Dumont-Oliver
- Learning Resource Manager
- Business and Technology
- M123
- billiedumontoliver@delta.edu
- 989-686-9468

- Robert Dunn
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- J102
- robertdunn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jaquelynn Durek
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jaquelynndurek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Cameron Dutcher
- Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- camerondutcher@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Jennifer Dwan
- Payroll/Accounting Specialist
- Finance
- B118
- jenniferdwan2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9387

- Charles Dykhuizen
- Professor
- Psychology
- A085
- jeffdykhuizen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9067

- Christina Ehinger
- Adjunct Instructor
- History
- G109
- christinaehinger@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Bethany Eicher
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- J102
- bethanyeicher@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Charles Eldridge
- TV Traffic Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A050b
- celdridg@delta.edu
- 989-686-9166

- Anne Elias
- Librarian - Government Documents and Reference
- Library
- A118g
- anneelias@delta.edu
- 989-686-9874

- Katrina Ellis
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- J102
- katrinaellis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jennifer Enge
- Swim Instructor
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- jenniferenge@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Danielle Erndt
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- danielleerndt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Amy Esparza
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- amesparz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Ronni Ettline
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Assisting
- F233
- ronniettline@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Michael Evans
- Associate Professor
- History
- G106
- michaelevans@delta.edu
- 989-686-9005

- Matthew Eyre
- Professor
- Mechanical Tech and Design
- M125
- mattheweyre@delta.edu
- 989-686-9571

- Dawn Fairchild
- Professor
- Management
- G110
- dawnfairchild@delta.edu
- 989-686-9220

- Michael Faleski
- Professor
- Physics
- D153
- michaelfaleski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9495

- Travis Faustin
- Adjunct Instructor
- J102
- travisfaustin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kuyer Fazekas
- Learning and Technology Consultant
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- kuyerfazekas@delta.edu
- 989-686-9574

- Tori Fenner
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- torifenner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Kevin Fent
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- kevinfent@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Michael Finelli
- Associate Professor
- Residential Construction
- M127
- mjfinell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9021

- Martin Finney
- Adjunct Instructor
- Applied Behavior Studies
- J102
- martinfinney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jessica Flook
- Operations Coordinator
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P111
- jessicaflook@delta.edu
- 989-686-9323

- Jennifer Florence
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jenniferflorence@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Jonathan Foco
- Vice President Business and Finance
- Finance
- B116
- jonathanfoco@delta.edu
- 989-686-9386

- Cathy Foisel
- Adjunct Instructor
- Office Administration and Tech
- J102
- cathyfoisel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Charlea Ford
- Laboratory Coordinator
- Science and Mathematics
- C124a
- charleaford@delta.edu
- 989-686-9409

- Vincent Ford
- Office Professional - Financial Aid
- Financial Aid
- D101
- vincentford@delta.edu
- 989-686-9085

- Benjamin Fortin
- Adjunct Instructor
- Political Science
- J102
- benjaminfortin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Lance Fowler
- Program Coordinator
- Agricultural Technology
- P170
- lancefowler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9350

- Daniel Francke
- Bookstore Manager
- Bookstore
- N015
- danielfrancke@delta.edu
- 989-686-9027

- Colette Fraser
- Adjunct Instructor
- Office Administration and Tech
- J102
- colettefraser@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Amy French
- Professor
- History
- A080
- amyfrench@delta.edu
- 989-686-9132

- Margaret Frost
- Bookstore Worker
- Bookstore
- N015
- mtfrost@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Marshall Fulmer
- Producer Director
- Broadcasting
- A051f
- mgfulmer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9353

- Sandra Gallaher
- Business Services Team Executive Assistant
- Workforce Strategies
- sandragallaher@delta.edu
- 989-488-6476

- Lee Gardner
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- leegardner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Michael Garlick
- Laboratory Coordinator
- Chemistry
- C141
- michaelgarlick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9272

- Jonathan Garn
- Associate Dean - Arts and Letters Division
- Arts and Letters
- S214
- jonathangarn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9160

- Gerald Garrison
- Adjunct Instructor
- Drafting
- J102
- geraldgarrison@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jennifer Gaumer
- Team Lead, Arts and Sciences Advising
- Advising
- D102
- jennifergaumer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9529

- Mike Gavin
- President
- President's Office
- B182
- michaelgavin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9201

- Jessica Gavord
- Writer
- Marketing and Public Information
- B154
- jessicagavord@delta.edu
- 989-686-9359

- Nicole Geese
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- nicolegeese@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Sheryl Gentry
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S006
- sherylgentry@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Joshua George
- Associate Professor
- Criminal Justice
- G125
- joshuageorge@delta.edu
- 989-686-9446

- Anthony Germain
- Adjunct Instructor
- Accounting
- J102
- anthonygermain@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Christian Gerstheimer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- christiangerstheimer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Amy Gibas
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S209
- amygibas@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Jessica Gilbert
- Lecturer
- Sociology
- G121
- jessicagilbert4@delta.edu
- 989-686-9048

- Susan Gillings
- Special Assistant to the Vp for Instruction and Learning Srvcs
- Academic Services
- B134J
- susangillings@delta.edu
- 989-686-9579

- Victoria Ginac
- Fitness and Rec Center Operations Assistant
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- victoriaginac@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Maranda Ginop
- Theater Production
- Theater Productions
- S209
- marandaginop@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Alison Ginter
- Belonging, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator
- BEDI Office
- A003
- alisonginter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9121

- Jonathan Gittins
- Associate Professor
- Chemistry
- D160
- jonathangittins@delta.edu
- 989-686-9175

- Donna Giuliani
- Professor
- Sociology
- G111
- donnagiuliani@delta.edu
- 989-686-9041

- Nicholas Givens
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- J102
- nicholasgivens@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Betheen Glady-Teschendorf
- Professor
- English
- G218
- betheengladyteschend@delta.edu
- 989-686-9170

- Richard Glaza
- Athletic Game Worker
- Athletics
- richardglaza@delta.edu

- Christina Glazier
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- christinaglazier@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Michael Glowacki
- Professor
- Art
- S249
- michaelglowacki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9011

- Amber Goebel
- Assistant Controller
- Finance
- B118
- ambergoebel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9393

- Drew Good
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- drewgood@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Michael Goodall
- Assistant Director of CJ Academies and Public Safety Dept
- Police Academy
- N101
- michaelgoodall@delta.edu
- 989-686-9287

- Aimie Goodrow
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- aimiegoodrow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Audrey Goodrow
- Customer Service Associate
- Bookstore
- N015
- audreygoodrow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Luke Goodrow
- Graphic Designer
- Marketing and Public Information
- B150h
- lukegoodrow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9227

- Ryan Goodrow
- Technologist/Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D103Q
- rpgoodro@delta.edu
- 989-686-9147

- David Goretcki
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- M121
- davidgoretcki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Steven Gormley
- Assistant Professor
- Computer Aided Design
- A074
- stevengormley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9044

- Barb Gosson
- Administrative Office Professional - Science and Mathematics
- Science and Mathematics
- G211
- barbgosson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Alex Goudas
- Professor
- English
- S032
- alexgoudas@delta.edu
- 989-686-9161

- Leanne Govitz
- Director of Marketing and Media Relations
- Marketing and Public Information
- B155
- leannegovitz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9490

- Crystal Gower
- Student Billing Specialist - Sponsor Billing
- Finance
- B114
- crystalgower@delta.edu
- 989-686-9517

- Susan Graham
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- susangraham@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Elizabeth Gramza
- Healthcare Simulation Educator
- Health and Wellness Division
- F276
- elizabethgramza@delta.edu
- 989-686-9508

- Katherine Grappin
- Instructor
- Mathematics
- G207
- katherinegrappin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9195

- Bryan Graybill
- Assistant Professor
- Respiratory Care
- F208
- bryangraybill@delta.edu
- 989-686-9481

- Charles Green
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- J102
- charlesgreen3@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Elizabeth Green
- Associate Head Soccer Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- elizabethgreen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Paige Greenwood
- Administrative Assistant
- Human Resources
- J101
- paigegreenwood@delta.edu
- 989-686-9247

- Madelynne Gregory
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- madelynnegregory@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Cynthia Grether
- Instructor
- Management
- A072
- cynthiagrether@delta.edu
- 989-686-9047

- Michael Gring
- Adjunct Instructor
- Surgical First Assistant
- F233a
- michaelgring@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Mary Gross
- Cashier Office Coordinator
- Finance
- B111
- marygross@delta.edu
- 989-686-9394

- Riki Gross
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- rikigross@delta.edu
- 989-686-9544

- Michael Grunwell
- General Trades
- Facilities Management
- P025
- michaelgrunwell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Mark Grzegorczyk
- Fm Production Content Producer
- Broadcasting
- A039b
- markgrzegorczyk@delta.edu
- 989-686-9347

- James Guiette
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- J102
- jamesguiette@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Anna Gulick
- Public Safety Officer
- Public Safety
- N102
- annagulick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9124

- Molly Gulick
- Registrars Office Technologist
- Registrar Office
- D102
- mollygulick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9397

- Rachel Gunn
- Administrative Office Professional
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- rachelgunn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9586

- Angela Guy-Lee
- Associate Professor
- Sociology
- S254
- angelaguylee@delta.edu
- 989-686-9535

- Amy Guzman
- Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- amyguzman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Nicole Gwizdala
- Student Billing Manager
- Finance
- B114
- nicolegwizdala@delta.edu
- 989-686-9391

- Tina Gwizdala
- Coordinator-Library Evening/Weekends
- Library
- A130b
- tmgwizda@delta.edu
- 989-686-9013

- Justin Hacker
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- justinhacker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Sue Hafer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Practical Nursing
- F211
- suehafer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Tonya Hafoka
- Employee Development Coordinator / Technologist
- Human Resources
- J101
- tonyahafoka@delta.edu
- 989-686-9312

- Andrew Hahn
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A061
- andrewhahn2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Andy Hahn
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- andrewhahn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Timothy Hakes
- Adjunct Instructor
- Skilled Trades: CAD/CAM
- J102
- timothyhakes@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Nancy Hall
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- nancyhall@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Randall Hall
- Student Success Advisor Midland Center / Completion Coordina
- Advising
- randallhall@delta.edu
- 989-686-9785

- James Ham
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Mathematics
- G223
- jaham@delta.edu
- 989-686-9141

- Kasen Hammerbacher
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- kasenhammerbacher@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Susan Hammis
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- susanhammis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Amanda Hammond
- Web Content Marketing Coordinator
- Marketing and Public Information
- B153
- amandahammond@delta.edu
- 989-686-9194

- Debra Hare
- Lead Office Professional/Testing Monitor
- Testing Center
- A133
- debrahare@delta.edu
- 989-686-9182

- Michael Hare
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A061
- michaelhare@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- John Harned
- Public Safety Supervisor/Sergeant/Accreditation Manager
- Public Safety
- N102
- johnharned@delta.edu
- 989-686-9306

- Jennifer Harris
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jenniferharris3@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Jill Harrison
- Professor
- Child Development
- A088
- jillharrison@delta.edu
- 989-686-9051

- Scott Harrison
- Adjunct Instructor
- Child Development
- J102
- scottharrison@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Nancy Hartshorne
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Sociology
- A084
- nancyhartshorne@delta.edu
- 989-686-9048

- Jeremy Hartwick
- Head Softball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- jeremyhartwick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Susan Harvey
- Professor
- Psychology
- S216
- smharvey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9296

- Debra Haskin
- Pledge Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A033c
- dahaskin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9196

- Melissa Haswell
- Associate Dean - Science and Mathematics Division
- Science and Mathematics
- G209
- melissahaswell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9181

- Brandon Hausbeck
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- J102
- brandonhausbeck@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Christopher Hausbeck
- Professor
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- F231
- christopherhausbeck@delta.edu
- 989-686-9316

- Garrett Hayes
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- garretthayes@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Heidi Helgren
- Professor
- Management
- A079
- heidihelgren@delta.edu
- 989-686-9464

- Timothy Hendrickson
- Associate Professor
- Music
- S239
- timothyhendrickson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9373

- Toivo Hendrickson
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- toivohendrickson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Candace Henry-Schroder
- Director of Financial Aid
- Financial Aid
- D107
- candacehenryschroder@delta.edu
- 989-686-9826

- Jessica Herek
- Assistant Professor
- Nursing
- F227
- jessicaherek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9251

- Joseph Hernandez
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- G206
- josephhernandez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9052

- Michael Hernandez
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A061
- michaelhernandez2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Monica Hernandez-Alaniz
- Assistant Director of Downtown Saginaw
- Downtown Saginaw
- SAG111
- monicahernandez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9324

- Chris Hernden
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- J102
- chrishernden@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Collin Hetzner
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- collinhetzner@delta.edu
- 989-751-1281

- Janis Heugel
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Office Administration and Tech
- A061
- janisheugel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Beth Heyart
- Professor
- Communication
- G104
- bethheyart@delta.edu
- 989-686-9248

- Gloria Heye
- Theater Production
- Theater Productions
- S209
- gloriaheye@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Christy Higley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- clhigley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Denise Hill
- Professor
- English
- S016
- denisehill@delta.edu
- 989-686-9173

- Sean Hill
- Learning and Technology Consultant
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- seanhill@delta.edu
- 989-686-9314

- Shane Hill
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- J102
- shanehill@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kevin Hobart
- Inst. Research Data Analyst and SES Research Specialist
- Administrative Services
- B140
- kevinhobart@delta.edu
- 989-686-9202

- Matthew Hock
- Chief Engineer
- Broadcasting
- A046
- matthewhock@delta.edu
- 989-686-9139

- Brittany Hodges
- Coordinator of Veteran Services
- Veteran Services Office
- A003
- brittanyhodges@delta.edu
- 989-686-9303

- Jonathan Hoerauf
- Prison Edu Program and Work Study Student Employment Coord
- Financial Aid
- D101
- jonathanhoerauf@delta.edu
- 989-686-9355

- Lynn Hoerauf
- Adjunct Instructor
- Applied Behavior Studies
- G109
- lynnhoerauf@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Jordan Hoffman
- Instructor
- Biology
- G223
- jordanhoffman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9141

- Talli Holowka
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S006
- talliholowka@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Kathleen Holsing
- Adjunct Instructor
- Radiography
- F233A
- kathleenholsing@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- David Hopkins
- Dean of Transfer Programs and Online Learning
- Academic Services
- B133
- davidhopkins@delta.edu
- 989-686-9291

- Renee Hoppe
- Professor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P167
- reneehoppe@delta.edu
- 989-686-9591

- Colin Horgan
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- colinhorgan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Christine Horn
- Associate Professor
- Nursing
- F216
- christinehorn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9598

- Jennifer Horton
- Adjunct Instructor
- Biology
- D150
- jenniferhorton@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Brenda Hoskey
- Broadcasting Pledge Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A050a
- brendahoskey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9196

- Pamela Houlihan
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- pamelahoulihan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Scott Housey
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Numerical Control
- J102
- scotthousey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Amy Howard
- CRM Support Specialist
- Admissions
- H118N
- amyhoward@delta.edu
- 989-686-9427

- Ashley Howe
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F259
- ashleyhowe@delta.edu
- 989-686-9231

- Adna Howell
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Communication
- G109
- aghowell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Kristopher Howery
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A070
- kristopherhowery@delta.edu
- 989-686-9098

- Katie Howland
- Adjunct Instructor
- Biology
- D150
- katiehowland@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Arika Huber
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- arikahuber@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Mary Huegel
- Bookstore Customer Service Associate - Auxiliary Accounting
- Bookstore
- N015
- maryhuegel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Nicholas Huegel
- Broadcast IT Engineer
- Broadcasting
- A030
- nicholashuegel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9354

- Steven Hughes
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- A061
- stevenhughes@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Rhonda Hughes-Seefeldt
- Instructor
- Biology
- F241
- rhondahughesseefeldt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9380

- Marcia Hulett Jones
- EOC Advisor
- Educational Opportunity Center
- marciahulett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9708

- Ryan Hull
- Public Safety Officer
- Public Safety
- N101
- ryanhull2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9279

- Scott Hunt
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- scotthunt@delta.edu
- 989-245-9553

- Gregory Huntoon
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemical Process Industries
- J102
- gregoryhuntoon@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kevin Hurley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- J102
- kevinhurley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Samuel Hutchison
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- samuelhutchison@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Patrice Ingle
- Adjunct Instructor
- American Sign Language
- S209
- patriceingle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Sherrill Irish
- Admin Office Professional - Career Ed and Learning Partnership
- Academic Services
- B134
- sherrillirish@delta.edu
- 989-686-9558

- Craig Irvine
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- J102
- craigirvine@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Michael Iseler
- Adjunct Instructor
- Auto Service
- M121
- michaeliseler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Jacqueline Jacobs
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jacquelinejacobs2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Mukhtar Jaderson
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemistry
- J102
- mukhtarjaderson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Katie Jammer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Certified Nursing Assistant
- F211
- katiejammer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Robert Janz
- Swim Instructor
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- robertjanz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Amy Jaster
- Lecturer
- Lifelong Wellness
- P162
- amyjaster@delta.edu
- 989-686-9183

- Kristin Jenkins
- Adjunct Instructor
- F211A
- kristinbrandon@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Sheryl Jensen
- Office Professional- Shared Governance and Academic Services
- Administrative Services
- B152
- sheryljensen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9297

- Kara Jimenez
- Professor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P165
- karajimenez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9286

- Amber Johnson
- Instructor
- Psychology
- S218
- amberjohnson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9255

- Becky Johnson
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- beckyjohnson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Darrin Johnson
- Associate Director of Recruitment and Employee Development
- Human Resources
- J103
- darrinjohnson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9345

- Earl Johnson
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- earljohnson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Jerrard Johnson
- Instructor
- Communication
- S235
- jerrardjohnson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9756

- Michael Johnston
- Adjunct Instructor
- Music
- S209
- michaeljohnston@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Anthony Joles
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemical Process Industries
- J102
- anthonyjoles@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kyle Jones
- Grounds Supervisor
- Facilities Management
- X103
- kylejones@delta.edu
- 989-686-9217

- Raeann Jones-Keller
- Student Connections Office Professional
- Student and Educational Services
- D102
- raeannjoneskeller@delta.edu
- 989-686-9328

- Jennifer Juillett
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jenniferjuillett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Sherry Jungerheld
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- sherryjungerheld@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Dawn Jurik
- Office Professional - Criminal Justice Training
- Criminal Justice
- N101
- dawnjurik@delta.edu
- 989-686-9176

- Mark Justice
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- markjustice@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Katie Kaczmarek
- Accountant
- Finance
- B118
- katiekaczmarek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9390

- Katie Kalkman
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D101
- katiekalkman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9549

- Michael Kanyo
- Adjunct Instructor
- Skilled Trades: Electrical
- M121
- michaelkanyo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Victoria Kapke
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- J102
- victoriakapke@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Julia Katzbaer
- Instructor
- Chemistry
- D167
- juliakatzbaer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9267

- Kimberly Katzer
- Registrar
- Registrar Office
- D106
- kimberlykatzer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9081

- Gary Kautz
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- J102
- garykautz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Randy Kazmierski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Engineering
- M121
- randykazmierski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Chelsea Keat
- WRIT Consultant
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- chelseakeat@delta.edu
- 989-686-9086

- Jessica Keener
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jessicakeener@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Randall Keicher
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- J102
- rfkeich2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jeremy Keinath
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- jeremykeinath@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Beth Kelch
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- G212
- bethkelch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9130

- Wayne Kelley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- M121
- waynekelley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Jeremy Kelm
- Adjunct Instructor
- Health Science
- F233a
- jeremykelm@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Daren Kench
- Assistant Director
- Workforce Strategies
- P161
- darenkench@delta.edu
- 989-758-3602

- Janis Kendziorski
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Accounting
- A061
- jwkendzi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Brian Kennedy
- Planetarium Show Specialist
- Downtown Bay City/Planetarium
- briankennedy@delta.edu
- 989-667-2271

- Jaclyn Kennedy
- Adjunct Instructor
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- F233A
- jaclynkennedy@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Keri Kenney
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- kerikenney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- William Ketchum
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- English
- S053
- weketchu@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Anthony Khalil
- Planning and Construction Manager
- Facilities Management
- P029
- anthonykhalil@delta.edu
- 989-686-9407

- Nadia Khan
- Structured Learning Assistant Facilitator
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A110
- nadiakhan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9314

- Thomas Kienbaum
- Mechanical Maintenance Person
- Facilities Management
- P025h
- tgkienba@delta.edu
- 989-686-9238

- Wendy Kienitz
- Office Professional/Testing Monitor
- Testing Center
- A133
- wendykienitz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9182

- Karry Kiste-Toner
- Dean of Student Success
- Student and Educational Services
- B136
- karrykistetoner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9472

- Kimball Klein
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- kimklein@delta.edu
- 989-272-8308

- Kimberly Klein
- Professor
- Political Science
- A092
- kimberlyklein@delta.edu
- 989-686-9192

- Cristy Klett
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- cristyklett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Timothy Klingler
- Professor
- Mathematics
- G203
- teklingl@delta.edu
- 989-686-9140

- Michael Klosowski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Accounting
- J102
- michaelklosowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Marcia Knopp
- Clinical Professional
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- marciaknopp@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Megan Koch
- Adjunct Instructor
- Art
- S006
- megankoch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Kati Kocot
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F258
- katipahssen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9019

- Stephanie Kontranowski
- HR Academic and Technology Specialist
- Human Resources
- J101
- stephaniekontranowsk@delta.edu
- 989-686-9104

- Anthony Koprowski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mechanical Technology
- J102
- anthonykoprowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Andrew Kosick
- Adjunct Instructor
- Architecture Technology
- J102
- andrewkosick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Alissa Kowalski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- alissakowalski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Cindy Kramer
- Professor
- Radiography
- F220
- cindykramer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9533

- Addam Kraynak
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- addamkraynak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9090

- Wendy Kraynak
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Management
- J102
- wendykraynak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Julie Krengielski
- Office Professional/Testing Monitor
- Testing Center
- A133
- juliekrengielski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9182

- Jaime Kretz
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F233
- jaimekretz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Jocelyn Kretz
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- jocelynkretz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Samuel Krolikowski
- Membership Database Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A050c
- samuelkrolikowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9466

- Shannon Krolikowski
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F254
- shannonkrolikowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9144

- James Krukowski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- J102
- jameskrukowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Candy Kruzell
- Business Services Team Executive Assistant
- Workforce Strategies
- candykruzell@delta.edu
- 989-272-8642

- Jennifer Kuch
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- jenniferkuch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Sabrina Kuhl
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F255
- sabrinakuhl@delta.edu
- 989-686-9281

- Laura Kukla
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- G109
- laurakukla@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Linda LaRoche
- Office Assistant
- Finance
- B114
- lmlaroch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9391

- Thomas LaRose
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- J102
- thomaslarose@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Raymond Lacina
- Professor
- English
- S029
- raymondlacina@delta.edu
- 989-686-9563

- Laurence Lacreuse
- Adjunct Instructor
- French
- S046
- laurencelacreuse@delta.edu
- 989-686-9408

- Robert Lafollette
- Lecturer
- English
- S003
- robertlafollette@delta.edu
- 989-686-9616

- Megan Lagalo
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- G109
- meganlagalo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Laura Lambdin
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- lauralambdin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Shea Lampi
- Adjunct Instructor
- Communication
- G109
- shealampi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9184

- Cambiel Lang
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- cambiellang@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Tessa Lange
- Graduation Specialist
- Registrar Office
- D102
- tessalange@delta.edu
- 989-686-9816

- William Lange
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- williamlange@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Peter Larkowski
- Professor
- Chemistry
- D161
- peterlarkowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9271

- Benjamin Latocki
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- G109
- benjaminlatocki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9184

- Ashley Laurencelle
- Adjunct Instructor
- Skilled Trades: Electrical
- M121
- ashleylaurencelle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Ashlee Lauzon
- Administrative Office Professional-Nursing Discipline
- Nursing
- F211A
- ashleelauzon@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Coraltila Lavender
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- coraltilalavender@delta.edu
- 989-513-3620

- Lisa Lawrason
- Professor
- Political Science
- A089
- lisalawrason@delta.edu
- 989-686-9509

- Robert Lawrence
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A061
- robertlawrence@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Elena Lazzari
- Associate Professor
- Economics
- A084
- elenalazzari@delta.edu
- 989-686-9191

- Sherry Lefevre
- Office Professional
- Science and Mathematics
- D150
- sherrylefevre@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Marilyn Lemerand
- Associate Professor
- Communication
- S257
- marilynlemerand@delta.edu
- 989-686-9450

- Michael Letson
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- michaelletson@delta.edu
- 989-746-7228

- Kelsey Lewis
- Laboratory Coordinator
- Biology
- C118
- kelseylewis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9504

- Timothy Light
- Telecom/Building Controls Specialist
- Facilities Management
- P025
- tdlight@delta.edu
- 989-686-9462

- Jason Lijewski
- Professor
- Management
- F228
- jasonlijewski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9288

- Danielle Linton
- Assistant Professor
- Dental Assisting
- F244
- daniellelinton@delta.edu
- 989-686-9119

- Pamela Livingston
- Associate Professor
- Dental Hygiene
- F213
- pamelalivingston@delta.edu
- 989-686-9483

- Diane Lobsiger-Braden
- Professor
- Technical Trades and Mfg Div.
- M130
- dianelobsiger@delta.edu
- 989-686-9441

- Amber Longstreet
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- amberlongstreet@delta.edu
- 989-272-8870

- Kaitlin Lovely
- Enrollment Outreach Coordinator/Admissions Advisor
- Admissions
- H112
- kaitlinlovely@delta.edu
- 989-686-9568

- Fiona Lowrie
- Office Professional/Testing Monitor
- Testing Center
- A133
- fionalowrie@delta.edu
- 989-686-9182

- Gregory Luczak
- Director Business Services
- Business Services
- B116g
- gpluczak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9228

- Robert Luna
- Adjunct Instructor
- Skilled Trades: Construction
- J102
- robertluna@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Phoebe Lutz
- Professor
- Mathematics
- G225
- pglutz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9190

- Dana MacDonald
- Auxiliary Services Specialist
- Business Services
- B116
- danamacdonald@delta.edu
- 989-686-9403

- Thomas MacDonald
- Facilities Engineer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- thomasmacdonald@delta.edu
- 989-686-9243

- Janice MacLeod
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- janicemacleod@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Stephen Mack
- Adjunct Instructor
- Biology
- D150
- stephenmack2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Scott Macleod
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- scottmacleod@delta.edu
- 989-686-9095

- Jonathan Majchrzak
- Associate Professor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P169
- jonathanmajchrzak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9525

- Christiana Malacara
- Tv Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- christianamalacara@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Megan Mallory
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- meganmallory@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Joseph Maloney
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- josephmaloney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Kathie Marchlewski
- Professor
- English
- A086
- kathiemarchlewski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9389

- Eric Marquardt
- Adjunct Instructor
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- F233A
- ericmarquardt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- David Marr
- Adjunct Instructor
- Residential Construction
- J102
- davidmarr@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Tenesha Marselis Blair
- Financial Aid Office Professional
- Financial Aid
- D101
- teneshamarselis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9542

- Athena Marsh
- Adjunct Instructor
- Interdisciplinary Humanities
- S006
- athenamarsh@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Deborah Marsh
- Student Billing Specialist - Collections Coordinator
- Finance
- B114
- deborahmarsh@delta.edu
- 989-686-9411

- Charles Martin
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- charlesmartin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Cyndi Martin
- Cashier
- Finance
- B111
- cyndimartin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9394

- Wendy Martin
- Admin. Office Professional -Business and Technology Division
- Business and Technology
- M121
- wsmartin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Alexandria Martinez
- Dual Enrollment and Early Middle College Navigator
- Dual Enrollment
- H111
- alexandriamartinez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9673

- Allie Martinez
- Title IX Coordinator / Equity Officer
- Title IX
- J101
- alliemartinez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9547

- Taylor Mata
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- taylormata@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Meshell Matthews-Mathis
- Public Safety Communications Specialist
- Public Safety
- N102b
- mematthe@delta.edu
- 989-686-9113

- Mark Matuszewski
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- markmatuszewski@delta.edu
- 989-488-6461

- Scott Mausolf
- Adjunct Instructor
- Automotive Service Tech
- J102
- scottmausolf@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kylis Maxie
- Office Professional - Dental Clinic
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- kylismaxie@delta.edu
- 989-686-5482

- Sarah Mays
- Adjunct Instructor
- Communication
- S212
- sarahmays@delta.edu
- 989-686-9184

- Michael McCann
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- M121
- michaelmccann2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Katrina McCarron
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- katrinamccarron@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Ryan McCracken
- Adjunct Instructor
- Accounting
- J102
- ryanmccracken2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Timothy McGuire
- Assistant Professor
- Biology
- F243
- timothymcguire2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9431

- Tammy McInerney
- Adjunct Instructor
- Pharmacology
- F223
- tammymcinerney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Scott McIntosh
- General Trades
- Facilities Management
- P025
- scottmcintosh@delta.edu
- 989-686-9237

- Gionna McIntyre
- Parcel/Postal Assistant
- Post Office
- P108
- gionnamcintyre@delta.edu
- 989-686-9480

- Tristan McKellip
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- tristanmckellip@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Paige McMillen
- Admin. Office Professional-Health and Wellness Division
- Health and Wellness Division
- F233
- paigemcmillen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Crystal McMorris
- Professor
- English
- A028
- crystalmcmorris@delta.edu
- 989-686-9151

- Thomas McNamara
- Adjunct Instructor
- Physics
- D150
- thomasmcnamara@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Lisa McNeil
- Administrative Office Professional
- Honors Program
- A009H
- lisamcneil2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9091

- Daisy McQuiston
- Professor
- Nursing
- F219
- daisymcquiston@delta.edu
- 989-686-9274

- Alina McVittie
- Adjunct Instructor
- Surgical Technology
- F233A
- alinamcvittie@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Elijah Meek
- Lecturer
- English
- S007
- elijahmeek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9169

- Phyllis Meeth
- Business Services Specialist
- Business Services
- B116
- phyllismeeth@delta.edu
- 989-686-9208

- Kevin Mehl
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- kevinmehl@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Kimberly Mehl
- Admissions Advisor
- Admissions
- H118
- kimberlymehl@delta.edu
- 989-686-9094

- Shannon Mehl
- Benefits Manager
- Human Resources
- J107
- shannonmehl@delta.edu
- 989-686-9106

- Crystal Meister
- Adjunct Instructor
- Surgical Technology
- F233
- crystalmeister@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Amber Melick
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- ambermelick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Miguel Mendoza
- Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- miguelmendoza@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Eric Merkle
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D101
- ericmerkle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9475

- Rachel Merkle
- Student Success Technologist/Communication Coordinator
- Student and Educational Services
- B134
- rachelmerkle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9507

- Donna Militello
- Associate Professor
- Nursing
- F252
- donnamilitello@delta.edu
- 989-686-9289

- Errin Milkowski
- Office Professional-Instructional Support Services
- Instructional Support Services
- J102
- errinmilkowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9143

- James Miller
- Assistant Professor
- Automotive Service Tech
- M126
- jamesmiller@delta.edu
- 989-686-9351

- Jolyn Miller
- Adjunct Instructor
- American Sign Language
- S209
- jolynmiller@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Mary Miller
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- marymiller6@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Talma Miller
- CTE, Special Populations Engagement and Success Coordinator
- BEDI Office
- A003
- talmamiller@delta.edu
- 989-686-9590

- Christina Miller-Bellor
- Associate Professor
- Sociology
- S255
- christinamillerbello@delta.edu
- 989-686-9410

- David Milne
- Adjunct Instructor
- German
- S209
- davidmilne@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Wallace Minard
- Associate Professor
- Automotive Service Educ ASEP
- P172
- wallaceminard@delta.edu
- 989-686-9551

- Mark Mitchell
- Professor
- Economics
- A081
- markmitchell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9429

- Michael Mitchell
- Associate Head Women's Basketball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- michaelmitchell5@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Robert Moore
- Associate Professor
- Political Science
- G105
- robertmoore@delta.edu
- 989-686-9172

- Andrew Morley
- Model
- Art
- S209
- andrewmorley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Traci Morris
- Transfer Evaluation Specialist
- Registrar Office
- D102
- tracimorris@delta.edu
- 989-686-9460

- Darla Morrisette
- Swim Instructor
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- darlamorrisette@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Michael Morrison
- Adjunct Instructor
- Surgical First Assistant
- F233A
- michaelmorrison4@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Terry Morse
- Associate Professor
- Computer Numerical Control
- M131
- terrymorse@delta.edu
- 989-686-9153

- Denzel Moten
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electronic Media Broadcasting
- S209
- denzelmoten@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Amelia Mott
- Adjunct Instructor
- American Sign Language
- S006
- ameliamott@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Gregory Mroz
- Public Safety Officer
- Public Safety
- N102
- gregorymroz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9279

- Alisha Mudd
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F233A
- alishamudd@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Gary Muentener
- Adjunct Instructor
- Political Science
- J102
- garymuentener@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Jill Mulders
- Interim Controller
- Finance
- B118
- jillmulders@delta.edu
- 989-686-9393

- Sherrie Mullen
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- sherriemullen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Marguerite Muno
- Adjunct Instructor
- Surgical Technology
- D102
- margueritemuno@delta.edu
- 989-686-9330

- Carla Murphy
- Professor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P166
- carlamurphy@delta.edu
- 989-686-9588

- Matthew Murphy
- TV Operations Producer
- Broadcasting
- A050a
- matthewmurphy@delta.edu
- 989-686-9349

- Mark Murray
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- M121
- markmurray@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Mike Murray
- Astronomer and Planetarium/Learning Center Manager
- Downtown Bay City/Planetarium
- mikemurray@delta.edu
- 989-667-2270

- Timothy Murray
- DCPL Office Assistant
- Downtown Bay City/Planetarium
- timothymurray2@delta.edu
- 989-667-2274

- Kayleigh Nelson
- LMS and Learning Design Specialist
- eLearning
- J102
- kayleighnelson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9341

- Kristy Nelson
- Director of Downtown Centers
- Student and Educational Services
- MID122
- kristynelson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9422

- Jan Neuenfeldt
- Academic Business Manager
- Business Services
- B130
- janneuenfeldt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9036

- Andrew Neumann
- Associate Professor
- Residential Construction
- A073
- andrewneumann@delta.edu
- 989-686-9133

- Kristine Neveau
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- kristineneveau@delta.edu
- 989-686-9307

- Kelly Newcomb
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- kellynewcomb@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Robert Neymeiyer
- Associate Professor
- Heating Ventilation Air Cond
- P173
- rmneymei@delta.edu
- 989-686-9801

- Randall Nichols
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- G216
- rwnichol@delta.edu
- 989-686-9068

- David Niedzielski
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- davidniedzielski@delta.edu
- 989-280-4466

- Alisha Niemiec
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- alishaniemiec@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Jennifer Niester-Mika
- Professor
- English
- S033
- jenniferniester@delta.edu
- 989-686-9514

- Kristopher Nitz
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- F232
- kristophernitz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9564

- Pauline Noel
- Adjunct Instructor
- Accounting
- J102
- paulinenoel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Thome Noringhang
- Public Safety Officer II
- Public Safety
- N102
- thomenoringhang@delta.edu
- 989-686-9124

- Brent Norman
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- brentnorman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9317

- Megan Novak
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211a
- megannovak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Tara Novak
- Associate Registrar
- Pioneer Connect
- D102
- taranovak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9449

- Susan Nowicki
- Manager of Business and Auxiliary Services
- Business Services
- B116
- susannowicki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9230

- Kelle Noxon
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- kellenoxon@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Trisha O'Connor
- Professor
- English
- S005
- trishaoconnor@delta.edu
- 989-686-9207

- Lisa O'Laughlin
- Associate Professor
- Office Admin and Tech
- G112
- lisaolaughlin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9156

- Terence Oleary
- Operations Manager
- Facilities Management
- P025d
- tkoleary@delta.edu
- 989-686-9244

- Elsa Olvera
- Director of Educational Opportunity Center
- Educational Opportunity Center
- elsaolvera@delta.edu
- 989-686-9294

- Victoria Osuna
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- victoriaosuna@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Carl Overly
- Adjunct Instructor
- Water Environment Technology
- D150
- carloverly@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Samuel Owens
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233
- samuelowens@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Corinne Painter
- Adjunct Instructor
- Philosophy
- S006
- corinnepainter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Breanne Paisley
- Instructor
- Sonography
- F229
- breannepaisley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9268

- Brian Pankow
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemical Process Industries
- J102
- brianpankow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kelli Paquet
- Adjunct Instructor
- Child Development
- J102
- kellipaquet@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Angelina Parcham
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- angelinaparcham@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Suzanne Paris
- Communications Specialist
- Institutional Advancement
- B156J
- suzanneparis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9215

- Alyssa Parish
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- alyssaparish@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Eli Parrent
- Head Golf Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- eliparrent@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Jessica Parrish
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211a
- jessicaparrish@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Brent Pashak
- Associate Professor
- Welding
- P168
- brentpashak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9022

- Tiffany Patterson
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- tiffanypatterson@delta.edu
- 989-272-8858

- Yaz Paul
- Duck Mascot
- Student and Educational Services
- yazminepaul@delta.edu

- Corey Pawlak
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- J102
- coreypawlak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Leanne Pearce
- Adjunct Instructor
- Education
- J102
- leannepearce@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Albert Pearsall III
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- albertpearsalliii@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Micali Peless
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- micalipeless@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Brandon Pellerin
- Financial Aid Processor
- Financial Aid
- D101
- brandonpellerin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9096

- Teegan Penkala
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233
- teeganpenkala@delta.edu
- 989-686-9274

- Brianna Penrod
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211a
- briannapenrod@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Dawn Perez
- Adjunct Instructor
- Office Administration and Tech
- J102
- dawnperez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- James Perry
- Dean of Enrollment and Access
- Student and Educational Services
- B135
- jamesperry5@delta.edu
- 989-686-9339

- Felicia Peters
- Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A065
- flpeters@delta.edu
- 989-686-9405

- John Peters
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- johnpeters@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Danielle Petersen
- Manager of the TLC and Testing Center Manager
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- daniellepetersen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9275

- Ryan Petersen
- Associate Professor
- Political Science
- G102
- ryanpetersen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9135

- Clara Pfeiffer
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- clarapfeiffer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Dorian Phelps
- Saginaw Center Coordinator
- Downtown Saginaw
- dorianphelps@delta.edu
- 989-758-3408

- Kathleen Phillips
- Postal/Parcel Specialist
- Post Office
- P108
- kathleenphillips@delta.edu
- 989-686-9480

- Kayla Phillips
- Athletic Trainer
- Athletics
- kaylaphillips2@delta.edu

- Lorien Phillips
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- lorienphillips@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Sarah Piazza
- Adjunct Instructor
- Applied Behavior Studies
- G109
- sarahpiazza@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Timothy Piechowiak
- Printing Services Manager
- Printing Services
- N040c
- tjpiecho@delta.edu
- 989-686-9010

- Rebecca Pierce
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- F251
- rebeccapierce@delta.edu
- 989-686-9413

- Myung Pinner
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- G213
- myungpinner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9064

- Peter Piwowarski
- STEM Outreach Assistant
- Science and Mathematics
- F245
- peterpiwowarski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9524

- Jeanne Place
- Swim Instructor
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P111
- jeanneplace@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Linda Plackowski
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Philosophy
- S006
- lcplacko@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Abby Plant
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- abbyplant@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Michele Pratt
- Manager of Library Programs and Services
- Library
- A118
- michelepratt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9822

- Jason Premo
- Associate Dean of Enrollment Management
- Admissions
- H114
- jasonpremo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9584

- Kelli Prena
- Assistant Professor
- Nursing
- F253
- kelliprena@delta.edu
- 989-686-9502

- Kelsey Pressler
- Instructor
- Biology
- D164
- kelseypressler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9162

- Michael Pressler
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- D166
- michaelpressler2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9596

- Brad Pretzer
- Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- G226
- bradpretzer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9129

- Judy Pretzer
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Mathematics
- G211
- jlpretze@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Rachel Priem
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- rachelpriem@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- James Proctor
- Associate Professor
- Welding
- L120A
- jamesproctor@delta.edu
- 989-686-9599

- Keith Proctor
- Assistant Professor
- Welding
- L120B
- keithproctor@delta.edu
- 989-686-9065

- Nicole Pruett
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- nicolepruett@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Robert Przybylski
- Producer Director
- Broadcasting
- A051d
- robertprzybylski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9569

- Derek Puls
- Adjunct Instructor
- Surgical First Assistant
- F233a
- derekpuls@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Celeste Quiney
- Adjunct Instructor
- Office Administration and Tech
- J102
- celestequiney@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Anne Quinn
- Lecturer
- Biology
- D157
- annequinn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9537

- James Quinn
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D101
- jamesquinn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9302

- Michaela Quinn
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- michaelaquinn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Thomas Quinn
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- G211
- thomasquinn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Erik Radomski
- Custodial Supervisor
- Facilities Management
- P025
- ejradoms@delta.edu
- 989-686-9237

- Kayla Rahn
- Dual Enroll/Early Middle College Outreach and Enrollment Coord
- Dual Enrollment
- H111
- kaylarahn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9078

- Wendy Ramirez
- Admin Asst to Vice Pres of Instruction and Learning Services
- Academic Services
- B134f
- wendyramirez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9299

- Chase Rammler
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P111
- chaserammler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Pat Randall
- Academic Data Analyst
- Administrative Services
- B140B
- jprandal@delta.edu
- 989-686-9308

- Karenia Randle
- Adjunct Instructor
- Political Science
- G109
- kareniarandle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Karen Randolph
- Professor
- English
- S243
- karenrandolph@delta.edu
- 989-686-9457

- Michael Rangitsch
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Numerical Control
- M121
- michaelrangitsch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Robby Rase
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- robbyrase@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Shelly Raube
- Vice President of Student Empowerment and Success
- Student and Educational Services
- B137
- michelleraube@delta.edu
- 989-686-9512

- KuJuanna Ray
- Employee and Labor Relations Specialist
- Human Resources
- J103
- kujuannaray@delta.edu
- 989-686-9436

- Kara Reder
- Health Lab Coordinator
- Health and Wellness Division
- F285
- karareder@delta.edu
- 989-686-9479

- Michael Redford
- Tv Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- michaelredford@delta.edu
- 989-686-9569

- David Redman
- Professor
- Mathematics
- G202
- bdredman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9249

- Lance Redwantz
- Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P163
- lanceredwantz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9028

- Halle Reed
- Associate Head Softball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- hallereed@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- LeAnn Reif
- Associate Professor
- Nursing
- F250
- leannreif@delta.edu
- 989-686-9280

- Holli Reinelt
- Human Resources Coordinator
- Human Resources
- J101
- hollireinelt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9105

- Jacob Rey
- Adjunct Instructor
- Economics
- G109
- jacobrey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Cynthia Reyes
- Admissions Advisor
- Admissions
- cynthiareyes@delta.edu
- 989-686-9223

- Katti Reynolds
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F256
- kattireynolds@delta.edu
- 989-686-9284

- Maddi Rice
- Customer Service Associate
- Bookstore
- N015
- maddisonrice@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Kellie Riddell
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- kellieriddell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Andrew Rieder
- Associate Professor
- Art
- S210
- andrewrieder@delta.edu
- 989-686-9451

- Paul Ries
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemistry
- D150
- paulries@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Laurie Riha
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- J102
- laurieriha@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- John Riker
- Adjunct Instructor
- Auto Service
- M121
- johnriker2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Lindsay Riopelle
- Adjunct Instructor
- Child Development
- J102
- lindsayriopelle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Brian Rivard
- Business Services Runner
- Business Services
- B116
- brianrivard@delta.edu
- 989-686-9233

- Cassandra Rivard
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233
- cassandrarivard@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Grace Rivet
- Structured Learning Assistant Facilitator
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A110
- gracerivet@delta.edu
- 989-686-9314

- Natascha Rivet
- Professor
- Mathematics
- G221
- njrivet@delta.edu
- 989-686-9128

- Erica Robb
- Student Success Counselor
- Personal Counseling Services
- D120
- ericarobb@delta.edu
- 989-686-9120

- Michael Robb
- Adjunct Instructor
- Journalism
- S209
- michaelrobb@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Mark Robertson
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Biology
- D159
- mgrobert@delta.edu
- 989-686-9262

- Elizabeth Rocha
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- elizabethrocha@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Sue Roche
- Associate Dean - Business and Technology Division
- Business and Technology
- A061
- susanroche@delta.edu
- 989-686-9254

- Eric Rodammer
- Structured Learning Assistant Facilitator
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- ericrodammer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9314

- Lois Rodgers
- Adjunct Instructor
- Health Science
- F233a
- loisrodgers@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- James Rodriguez
- Adjunct Instructor
- History
- J102
- jamesrodriguez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Dennis Roebuck
- Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A063
- djroebuc@delta.edu
- 989-686-9448

- Kendra Rogers
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- G109
- kendrarogers@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Randall Rogner
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- randallrogner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Melissa Rohen
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- melissarohen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Steven Rosin
- Professor
- Mathematics
- G224
- sarosin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9059

- Leah Rouleau
- Education Simulation Specialist and Learning Facilitator
- Health and Wellness Division
- F257
- leahrouleau@delta.edu
- 989-686-9385

- Biswajyoti Roy
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- G211
- biswajyotiroy@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Bruce Royce
- Adjunct Instructor
- Water Environment Technology
- D150
- bruceroyce@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Jessica Rubey
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- jessicarubey@delta.edu
- 989-758-3416

- Maria Ruegsegger
- Bookstore Worker
- Bookstore
- N015
- mariaruegsegger@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Ricky Ruse
- General Trades
- Facilities Management
- P025
- rickyruse@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Amy Rushman
- STEM Outreach Assistant
- Science and Mathematics
- F205
- amyrushman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9524

- Gerald Russell
- Workforce Strategy Apprenticeship Operations Manager
- Business and Technology
- M122
- geraldrussell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9476

- Nicole Ryan
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A066
- nicoleryan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9097

- Jason Rychwa
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- jasonrychwa@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Daniel Sabourin
- Professor
- Respiratory Care
- F210
- danielsabourin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9435

- David Sabuda
- Criminal Justice in Service Training Coordinator
- Criminal Justice
- N102g
- davidsabuda@delta.edu
- 989-686-9108

- Lauren Saj
- Station Engagement Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A048
- laurensaj@delta.edu
- 989-686-9346

- Corinne Salazar
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- corinnesalazar@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Jenelle Salisbury
- Instructor
- Philosophy
- S208
- jenellesalisbury@delta.edu
- 989-686-9453

- Karen Samborn
- Customer Service Associate
- Bookstore
- N015
- karensamborn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Joshua Sampson
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- joshuasampson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Claudia Sanchez Bustos
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- J102
- claudiasanchezbustos@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Aimee Sandell-Green
- Bookstore Specialist - Merchandise
- Bookstore
- P013
- aimeesandell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9784

- Paul Sander
- Associate Professor
- Economics
- S206
- paulsander@delta.edu
- 989-686-9454

- Nicole Sanford
- Athletics Specialist
- Athletics
- N122
- nicolesanford2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Kallie Satkowiak
- Student Connections Office Professional
- Student and Educational Services
- D102
- kalliesatkowiak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9327

- Danni Savage
- Financial Aid Office Professional
- Financial Aid
- D101
- dannisavage@delta.edu
- 989-686-9342

- Spring Schafer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- G109
- springschafer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9184

- Henry Schanbeck
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- henryschanbeck@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Christine Schanz
- Athletic Trainer
- Athletics
- N113
- christineschanz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9331

- Justin Scheidler
- CST Lab Technician
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- K110
- justinscheidler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Stacie Scherman
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- staciescherman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Jessica Scherrer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jessicascherrer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Raimee Schertzberg
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- raimeeschertzberg@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Leisa Schirmer
- Office Professional - Possible Dream
- BEDI Office
- A003
- leisaschirmer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9185

- Ronald Schlaack
- Professor
- Physics
- F240
- ronaldschlaack@delta.edu
- 989-686-9154

- Stacy Schlicker
- Administrative Assistant to the VP of Business and Finance
- Finance
- B160B
- stacyschlicker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9073

- Laura Schmidt
- Student Development Specialist
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- lauraschmidt2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9014

- Malinda Schmidt
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- malindaschmidt@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Michael Schmidt
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heating Ventilation Air Cond
- M121
- michaelschmidt5@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- David Schneider
- Research Writer Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- davidschneider@delta.edu
- 989-686-9362

- Bill Schueneman
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A067
- lwschuen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9058

- Kay Schuler
- Administrative Assistant - President's Office
- President's Office
- B180
- kayschuler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9200

- Daniel Schultz
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- danielschultz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Theodore Schunn
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- J102
- theodoreschunn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Evan Schwartz
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- evanschwartz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Peter Schwarz
- Adjunct Instructor
- Water Environment Technology
- D150
- peterschwarz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Kathleen Scott
- Pledge Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A050a
- kathleenscott@delta.edu
- 989-686-9196

- Kimberly Scott
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P160
- kimberlyscott@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Chelsea Self
- Payroll Manager
- Finance
- B118
- chelseaself@delta.edu
- 989-686-9388

- Gwen Serbus
- Development Manager
- Broadcasting
- A049
- gwenserbus@delta.edu
- 989-686-9012

- Tyler Shea
- Data Visualization Specialist
- Administrative Services
- B142
- tylershea@delta.edu
- 989-686-9216

- Ronisha Sheppard
- Lecturer
- Communication
- S252
- ronishasheppard@delta.edu
- 989-686-9521

- Sabrina Sherman
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- sabrinasherman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Stacey Shinkel
- Facilities Administration Manager
- Facilities Management
- B163
- staceyshinkel@delta.edu
- 989-686-9054

- Ethan Short
- Assistant Professor
- Accounting
- A078
- ethanshort@delta.edu
- 989-686-9189

- Blaine Sich
- Adjunct Instructor
- Accounting
- J102
- blainesich@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Bailey Sieveke
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- baileysieveke@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Elvina Sika
- Assistant Director of Financial Aid
- Financial Aid
- D103
- elvinasika@delta.edu
- 989-686-9553

- Jeri Sinicki
- Office Professional - Admissions
- Admissions
- H118
- jmsinick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9092

- Justin Sinicki
- Student Development Specialist
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- justinsinicki@delta.edu
- 989-686-9585

- Connie Sitter
- Adjunct Instructor
- Spanish
- S046
- conniesitter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9408

- Lucas Skinner
- Student Billing Specialist/Assistant Technologist
- Finance
- B114
- lucasskinner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9114

- Amber Sleight
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F248
- ambersleight@delta.edu
- 989-686-9055

- Bradley Smith
- Athletic Trainer
- Athletics
- N113
- bradleysmith5@delta.edu
- 989-686-9331

- Eric Smith
- Adjunct Instructor
- Skilled Trades: Drafting
- J102
- ehsmith@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Heather Smith
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Assisting
- F132
- heathersmith11@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Ian Smith
- Lecturer
- Physical Therapy
- F223
- iansmith@delta.edu
- 989-686-9246

- Lauren Smith
- Professor
- English
- S028
- laurensmith3@delta.edu
- 989-686-9496

- Sheryl Smith
- Bookstore Specialist - Operations
- Bookstore
- N015
- sherylsmith@delta.edu
- 989-686-9523

- Sydney Smith
- BEDI Office Professional
- BEDI Office
- A003
- sydneysmith@delta.edu
- 989-686-9017

- Robert Snider
- Area Professional
- Welding
- robertsnider@delta.edu

- Stanley Snyder
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- J102
- stanleysnyder@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Donald Southwell
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A071
- donaldsouthwell@delta.edu
- 989-686-9137

- Jason Sowinski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P160
- jasonsowinski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Mike Spitz
- Professor
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- F222
- amspitz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9478

- Eric Sprague
- Customer Service Associate
- Bookstore
- N015
- ericsprague@delta.edu
- 989-686-9561

- Mark Sprygada
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- J102
- marksprygada@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Lisa Squier
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- G109
- lisasquier@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Carrie St Pierre
- General Laborer
- Facilities Management
- P025
- carriestpierre@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Diane Stack
- Safety Officer II
- Public Safety
- N022
- dianestack@delta.edu
- 989-686-9035

- Kathleen Stafford
- Adjunct Instructor
- Radiography
- F233A
- kathleenstafford@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Jennifer Stajdl
- Adjunct Instructor
- Geography
- J102
- jenniferstajdl@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Crystal Starkey
- Professor
- English
- S002
- crystalstarkey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9534

- Thomas Steudle
- Adjunct Instructor
- Skilled Trades: Computer Numer
- J102
- thomassteudle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Brett Stewart
- Custodian
- Facilities Management
- P025
- brettstewart@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Michael Stewart
- Associate Head Men's Basketball Coach
- Athletics
- N1113
- michaelstewart2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Jamison Stoike
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Numerical Control
- J102
- jamisonstoike@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Sarah Stone
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- sarahstone@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Brandon Straight
- Instructor
- Communication
- S248
- brandonstraight@delta.edu
- 989-686-9174

- Matthew Strasser
- General Maintenance
- Facilities Management
- P025
- matthewstrasser2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Andrew Straub
- Admissions Technologist/Communications Coordinator
- Admissions
- H116
- andrewstraub@delta.edu
- 989-686-9581

- Kendra Strawn
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- kendrastrawn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Stacy Stremlow
- Admissions Advisor
- Admissions
- H118
- stacystremlow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9541

- Timothy Strong
- Adjunct Instructor
- Machine Tool Operation
- J102
- timothystrong@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- John Stutzman
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemistry
- D150
- johnstutzman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Gary Sullivan
- One Semester Appointment
- Business and Information Tech
- J102
- garysullivan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Eduardo Suniga
- Dean of Occupational Programs and Workforce Strategies
- Academic Services
- B130
- eduardosuniga@delta.edu
- 989-686-9276

- Robert Super
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- J102
- rtsuper@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Janet Sutter
- Bookstore Worker
- Bookstore
- N015
- janetsutter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Danny Swaffer
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- J102
- dannyswaffer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Teresa Swantek
- Membership Database Coordinator
- Broadcasting
- A050c
- teresaswantek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9466

- Tina Swanton
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- P160
- tinaswanton@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Audra Swarthout
- Professor
- Biology
- D158
- audraswarthout@delta.edu
- 989-686-9266

- Barbara Syed
- Associate Professor
- Office Admin and Tech
- A083
- barbarasyed@delta.edu
- 989-686-9278

- Daniel Symons
- Employment Services Advisor, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- danielsymons@delta.edu
- 989-318-4380

- Wendy Szafranski
- Professor
- Nursing
- F218
- wendyszafranski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9432

- Christina Szilagyi
- Adjunct Instructor
- History
- G109
- christinaszilagyi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Jason Szilagyi
- Adjunct Instructor
- History
- G109
- jasonszilagyi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Michelle Szymczak
- Business Services Rep., Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- michelleszymczak@delta.edu
- 989-284-7946

- Greg Tacey
- Instructor
- Technical Trades and Mfg Div.
- A077
- gregtacey@delta.edu
- 989-686-9040

- Jennifer Tapia
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211
- jennifertapia@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Kash-E Tate
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- G211
- kashetate@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Kendra Taylor
- Administrative Office Professional-Arts and Letters Division
- Arts and Letters
- S209
- kendrataylor@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Ryan Teeple
- Instructor
- Surgical Technology
- F202
- ryanteeple@delta.edu
- 989-686-9505

- Caroline Temple
- Theater Production
- Theater Productions
- P111
- carolinetemple@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Carolyn Teppo
- Office Professional - Apprenticeship and Workforce Experience
- Business and Technology
- M121a
- carolynteppo@delta.edu
- 989-686-9594

- Gregory Teter
- Associate Professor
- Criminal Justice
- G124
- gregoryteter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9253

- Matthew Thick
- Adjunct Instructor
- History
- J102
- matthewthick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Allyssa Thomas
- Lecturer
- Biology
- D150
- allyssathomas@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Darryl Thomas
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- A061
- darrylthomas@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Sara Thomas
- Administrative Assistant
- Facilities Management
- P025
- sarathomas4@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Kent Timm
- Lecturer
- Biology
- G210
- kenttimm@delta.edu
- 989-686-9061

- John Tissaw
- Mechanical Maintenance Person
- Facilities Management
- P025
- johntissaw@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Marilyn Tourne
- Adjunct Instructor
- Chemistry
- G211
- marilyntourne@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Qiana Towns Williams
- Instructor
- English
- S026
- qianatowns@delta.edu
- 989-686-9491

- Angela Trabalka
- Associate Professor
- English
- G214
- angelatrabalka@delta.edu
- 989-686-9442

- Donovan Traverse
- Professor
- Surgical Technology
- F201
- djtraver@delta.edu
- 989-686-9018

- Andrew Travis
- Adjunct Instructor
- Journalism
- S006
- andrewtravis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9159

- Patrick Truszkowski
- Associate Professor
- Biology
- F215
- patricktruszkowski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9211

- Deborah Uhlian
- Instructor
- Medical Assisting
- F207
- deborahuhlian@delta.edu
- 989-686-9102

- Elizabeth Ullrich
- Associate Professor
- Political Science
- G114
- elizabethullrich@delta.edu
- 989-686-9103

- Holly Ulrich
- Midland Center Coordinator
- Downtown Midland
- hollyulrich@delta.edu
- 989-495-4016

- Queen Umeana
- Adjunct Instructor
- Sociology
- J102
- queenumeana@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- David Urbaniak
- Team Lead, Business and Technology Advising
- Advising
- D102
- drurbani@delta.edu
- 989-686-9083

- Matthew Urick
- Adjunct Instructor
- Communication
- G109
- matthewurick@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Andrea Ursuy
- Exec. Director of Admin. Srvs and Institutional Effectiveness
- President's Office
- B141
- alnadols@delta.edu
- 989-686-9222

- Marina Valoshina
- Public Safety Officer
- Public Safety
- N102
- marinavaloshina@delta.edu
- 989-686-9179

- Robin Van De Veer
- Lecturer
- Geography
- G123
- robinvandeveer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9071

- Stephanie VanPetten
- Adjunct Instructor
- Office Administration and Tech
- A061
- stephanievanpetten@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Kevin VanSickle
- Adjunct Instructor
- Water Environment Technology
- D150
- kevinvansickle@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Jeffrey Vande Zande
- Professor
- English
- S049
- jcvandez@delta.edu
- 989-686-9538

- Ski VanderLaan
- Professor
- Accounting
- A062
- skivanderlaan@delta.edu
- 989-686-9419

- Jacob Vanhouten
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Environmental Science
- F204
- jwvanhou@delta.edu
- 989-686-9315

- Heathre Vanriper
- Adjunct Instructor
- Office Administration and Tech
- A061
- heathrevanriper@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Claire Vantil
- WRIT Center Coordinator
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- clairevantil@delta.edu
- 989-686-9471

- Brandi Vasold
- Office Professional
- Registrar Office
- D102
- brandivasold@delta.edu
- 989-686-9340

- Cynthia Veldt-Dietsch
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- cynthiadietsch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- David Verbeek
- Adjunct Instructor
- Engineering
- J102
- davidverbeek@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Katherine Villaire
- Adjunct Instructor
- Practical Nursing
- F211
- katherinevillaire@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Lisa Villareal
- Senior Accountant
- Finance
- B118
- lisavillareal@delta.edu
- 989-686-9381

- Amber Volesky
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- J102
- ambervolesky@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Trent Wade
- Professor
- Foreign Languages
- S045
- trentwade@delta.edu
- 989-686-9171

- Karen Wagner
- Customer Service Associate
- Bookstore
- N015
- karenwagner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Toni Walkowiak
- Adjunct Instructor
- Geography
- J102
- toniwalkowiak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Lisa Wall
- Associate Professor
- Radiography
- F212
- lisawall@delta.edu
- 989-686-9430

- Melissa Wallace
- Instructor
- Sociology
- S237
- melissawallace@delta.edu
- 989-686-9198

- Meaghan Walraven
- Office Professional-Human Resources
- Human Resources
- J101
- meaghanwalraven@delta.edu
- 989-686-9510

- Michael Walter
- Adjunct Instructor
- Heavy Duty Diesel
- M121
- michaelwalter2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Lillian Ward
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- lillianward@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Alina Warner
- Adjunct Instructor
- Management
- A061
- alinawarner@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Mary Warner
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Career Coach, Great Lakes Bay Mi
- Workforce Strategies
- marywarner@delta.edu
- 989-272-8639

- Ellen Waxman
- Bookstore Worker
- Bookstore
- N015
- ebwaxman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9030

- Nichole Webb
- Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F239
- nicholewebb@delta.edu
- 989-686-9497

- Torri Weber
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F233
- torriweber@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Douglas Webster
- Clinical Professional
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- douglaswebster@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Amy Wegener
- Assistant Professor
- Nursing
- F225
- amywegener@delta.edu
- 989-686-9049

- Pamela Wegener
- Lecturer
- Office Administration and Tech
- A091
- pamelawegener@delta.edu
- 989-686-9076

- Olivia Weiss
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- oliviaweiss@delta.edu
- 989-686-9372

- Robin Wellhousen
- Business Services Rep. Apprenticeship Specialist
- Workforce Strategies
- robinwellhousen@delta.edu
- 989-245-4262

- Kimberly Wells
- Professor
- Electronic Media
- A040
- kimberlywells@delta.edu
- 989-686-9352

- Thomas Wells
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- G222
- thomaswells@delta.edu
- 989-686-9186

- Scott Wenzel
- Adjunct Instructor
- Auto Service
- M121
- scottwenzel2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Mark West
- Head Athletic Trainer
- Athletics
- N113
- markwest@delta.edu
- 989-686-9331

- Shara West
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S209
- sharawest@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Jamie Westphal-Williams
- Adjunct Instructor
- Nursing RN
- F211A
- jamiewestphalwilliam@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- E Whitaker
- Associate Professor
- Criminal Justice
- G126
- emwhitak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9063

- Michelle White
- Team Lead, Health and Wellness Advising
- Advising
- D118
- michellewhite@delta.edu
- 989-686-9382

- Carol Whittaker
- Librarian-Reference
- Library
- A110
- carolwhittaker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9874

- Zachery Wiese
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Technology
- M121
- zacherywiese@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Eric Wiesenauer
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- G205
- ericwiesenauer@delta.edu
- 989-686-9761

- Earnestine Wilburn
- Administrative Office Professional-Social Sciences Division
- Social Sciences Division
- G109
- earnestinewilburn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9038

- Makayla Wilcox
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- makaylawilcox@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Anthony Willard
- Academic Systems and ISS Coordinator
- Instructional Support Services
- J102
- anthonywillard@delta.edu
- 989-686-9424

- Anna Williams
- Administrative Assistant to the Vice President
- Student and Educational Services
- B137a
- annawilliams2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9681

- Christopher Williams
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- J102
- christopherwilliams2@delta.edu
- 989-686-9143

- Gina Williams
- STEM Outreach Assistant
- Science and Mathematics
- F205
- ginawilliams@delta.edu
- 989-686-9524

- Nickolas Williams
- Tv Host/Producer
- Broadcasting
- A031
- nickolaswilliams@delta.edu
- 989-686-9487

- Mellani Williamson
- Fitness and Rec Center Lifeguard
- Fitness and Recreation Center
- P112
- mellaniwilliamson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9026

- Dominic Willis
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233A
- dominicwillis@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Anna Willman-Onstott
- Programs Director, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
- Workforce Strategies
- annawillmanonstott@delta.edu
- 989-272-8678

- Amy Wilson
- Athletic Game Worker
- Athletics
- amywilson3@delta.edu

- Bethany Wilson
- Associate Head Volleyball Coach
- Athletics
- N113
- bethanywilson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9875

- Craig Wilson
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- craigwilson@delta.edu
- 989-686-9396

- Mark Winkler
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- J102
- markwinkler@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Dean Winnie
- Adjunct Instructor
- Criminal Justice
- J102
- deanwinnie@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Donald Winter
- Associate Professor
- English
- S211
- donaldwinter@delta.edu
- 989-686-9015

- Brandon Winters
- Maintenance Electrician
- Facilities Management
- P025
- brandonwinters@delta.edu
- 989-686-9240

- Marcia Wiseman
- Adjunct Instructor
- Biology
- J102
- marciawiseman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Diane Wisniewski
- Lecturer
- Biology
- D150
- dianewisniewski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9245

- Raymond Wlosinski
- Adjunct Instructor
- Fire Science Technology
- M121
- raymondwlosinski@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- Daniel Wohlscheid
- Student Success Advisor
- Advising
- D102
- danielwohlscheid@delta.edu
- 989-686-9163

- Paul Wolanin
- Adjunct Instructor
- Psychology
- J102
- paulwolanin@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Kirk Wolf
- Professor
- Philosophy
- S267
- kawolf@delta.edu
- 989-686-9548

- Mitchell Wolfgang
- Adjunct Instructor
- Welding
- M121
- mitchellwolfgang@delta.edu
- 989-686-9258

- David Wolschlager
- Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- D101
- davidwolschlager@delta.edu
- 989-686-9516

- Emily Wood
- Adjunct Instructor
- Mathematics
- G211
- emilywood3@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Jeanne Woodbury
- Instructor
- Nursing
- F263
- jeannewoodbury@delta.edu
- 989-686-9075

- Brian Worsley
- Adjunct Instructor
- Electronic Media Broadcasting
- S209
- brianworsley@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Ralph Worthing
- Professor
- Psychology
- A075
- rjworthi@delta.edu
- 989-686-9060

- Mary Worthy
- Office Assistant
- Downtown Saginaw
- maryworthy@delta.edu
- 989-758-3403

- Jason Wright
- Adjunct Instructor
- Philosophy
- S209
- jasonwright4@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Pamela Wright
- Adjunct Instructor
- Dental Hygiene
- F132
- pamelawright@delta.edu
- 989-686-9469

- Ashley Wynn
- Adjunct Instructor
- Certified Nursing Assistant
- F211A
- ashleywynn@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Dee Wyzkiewicz
- Office Professional/Testing Monitor
- Testing Center
- A133
- deidrawyzkiewicz@delta.edu
- 989-686-9182

- Kevin Wyzkiewicz
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A068
- kmwyzkie@delta.edu
- 989-686-9420

- Joseph Yagiela
- Model
- Art
- S209
- josephyagiela@delta.edu
- 989-686-9101

- Christine Yaroch
- Associate Professor
- Foreign Languages
- S050
- christineyaroch@delta.edu
- 989-686-9447

- Joseph Yezak
- Broadcasting Program Manager
- Broadcasting
- A051
- josephyezak@delta.edu
- 989-686-9348

- Spencer Yonker
- Adjunct Instructor
- Computer Science and Info Tech
- A061
- spenceryonker@delta.edu
- 989-686-9127

- Odessha York
- Adjunct Instructor
- Certified Nursing Assistant
- F211A
- odesshayork@delta.edu
- 989-686-9500

- Robert Young
- Director of Facilities Management
- Facilities Management
- P028
- robertyoung@delta.edu
- 989-686-9210

- Frank Yurgens
- Adjunct Instructor
- English
- S053
- fwyurgen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9199

- Sarah Zastrow
- Adjunct Instructor
- Lifelong Wellness
- F233
- sarahzastrow@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Wanda Zenzen
- Adjunct Instructor
- Pharmacology
- F260
- wandazenzen@delta.edu
- 989-686-9274

- Beth Zieman
- Adjunct Instructor - Retiree
- Health Science
- F233a
- bazieman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025

- Michael Zienert
- Adjunct Instructor
- Economics
- J102
- michaelzienert@delta.edu
- 989-686-9515

- Joshua Zieroff
- Learning and Technology Consultant
- Teaching/Learning Center
- A118
- joshuazieroff@delta.edu
- 989-686-9562

- Maggie Zimmerman
- Instructor
- Biology
- D156
- maggiezimmerman@delta.edu
- 989-686-9273

- Andrea Zinkweg
- Structured Learning Assistant Facilitator
- Teaching/Learning Center
- G211
- andreazinkweg@delta.edu
- 989-686-9180

- Connie Zuba
- Adjunct Instructor
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- F233A
- conniezuba@delta.edu
- 989-686-9025