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Credit for Prior Learning

You may have already completed a portion of your degree!

Through Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) adult students can earn college credit for the knowledge you gained in your life and work experiences.

CPL is also a great tool for high school students who have taken high school advanced placement or International Baccalaureate courses.

Delta College recognizes and values the importance of learning that occurs outside the classroom. We strive to evaluate experiences that have happened and, when possible, provide students with appropriate course credit. In short, we want to give credit where credit is due. 

Benefits of Credit for Prior Learning 

Credit for Prior Learning saves you time and money!

Save time

You can earn up to 60% of the credits required for a degree. Earning credit for prior learning eliminates the need to take classes that cover content you know already.

Save money

The cost to go through the evaluation process is lower than the cost for the class and in some cases, costs nothing!

Perhaps you learned a skill during your service in the military or while at a place of business, took an exam such as Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB), or earned a certification like Emergency Medical Technician, you could be on your way to earning a Delta College Degree or certificate.

Methods to earn Credit for Prior Learning

  • Credit for industry credential
    Visit to see a list of what Delta College awards credit for. Discover Delta College career credential training programs offered which can earn you credit!
  • Credit for high school Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses
  • Credit for military training
    Basic and specialized training may earn you credit.
  • Exam by third party
    Take an exam, earn a high enough score and get class credit
  • Exam by Delta College division faculty
    You have previous knowledge from work or class experiences, take an exam developed by Delta College faculty designed for that skill set or knowledge and earn credit.
  • Credit by portfolio (Credit for work experience)
    Your work experience is valuable. Prove how you learned the course objectives and outcomes and gain class credit.
  • Delta College career credentials
    Learn more about 
    career credentials offered at Delta.

Getting Started

All students are strongly encouraged to discuss credit for prior learning with their student success advisor. This will help ensure you don’t register for a class in which you could potentially earn credit.

Before considering Credit for Prior Learning, students who are interested in transferring to four-year institutions are advised to review that institution’s policies and guidelines for accepting credit for prior learning academic credit from Delta College. The manner in which transfer credit is accepted and/or applied varies by university.

Credits awarded will be applied to the student’s transcript as course credit, however no grade is earned for the course and the final grade will appear as “CR” which means credit only.