Discipline and/or Program Vitality Study Guidelines/Steps


This work and study is to determine the vitality along with the necessary resources for continued sustainability of a Delta College discipline or program.


The process will be managed by the appropriate dean in consultation with the academic Associate Dean.

    1. The study can be requested by anyone, such as but not limited to: counselors, faculty, discipline coordinator and/or program coordinator, academic Associate Dean, or a dean. The investigation may be initiated by the appropriate dean who will notify all full-time faculty, the Discipline/Program counselor, and the academic Associate Dean.

      When an “out of sequence” Vitality Study is requested, the appropriate Academic Dean, the appropriate academic Associate Dean, and up to three of the affected faculty, will consult with the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) to determine the validity of the request.  After this consultation the CAO will:
      1. Determine that there is no need for a Vitality Study based on evidence that the program is sufficiently successful.
      2. Determine that there are minor issues that need to be addressed, but not significant enough to warrant a Vitality Study.
      3. Determine that a Vitality Study is warranted.

    2. A committee will be formed to gather, document, and analyze evidence to identify the strengths and opportunities for improvements for an academic career program, discipline, or college. The members will make recommendations to the CAO so decisions on how the college will support the Discipline and/or Program and best serve the stakeholders.
    3. The appropriate Dean will chair the Vitality Study Committee, and in consultation with the appropriate academic Associate Dean, will appoint the members following the membership guidelines.

      Membership Guidelines:
      1. Required Members
        1. Appropriate Academic Associate Dean
        2. Program/Discipline Coordinator
        3. Program/Discipline faculty representatives
        4. Representative of Counseling and Advising
      2. Other Members as deemed necessary
        1. Additional Dean
        2. Faculty from closely related areas
        3. Students
        4. Community members
        5. Others as needed

    4. The committee will submit the report and recommendations to the Chief Academic Officer. These recommendations could include but are not limited to:
      1. The continuation of discipline and/or program
      2. An increase or decrease in resources
      3.  change in offerings
      4. The expansion or reduction of the discipline and/or program
      5. The elimination of discipline and/or program.

Initiating Factors:

One or more of the initiating factors must be documented in order for the Vitality study to be started.

    1. A normal rotation schedule aligned with Program Review of Occupational Education (PROE), assessment projects, and/or accreditation processes
    2. Current issues that may impact the Discipline and/or Program, e.g., faculty, resources, new requirements such as accreditation, etc.
    3. Significant changes in enrollment, graduation rates, transfer and/or employment trends
    4. Significant changes in level of satisfaction data of graduates, the workforce, employers or transfer institutions.

Evidence to include in the study:

Each applicable item should address historical data, current trends and future implications with a conclusion of recommendations.

Discipline and/or Program Factors:

    1. Alignment of the Discipline and/or Program with the Division and College’s mission, goal(s), strategic plans and outcomes with the Division and College
    2. Discipline and/or Program Curriculum:
      1. Admission/Prerequisite Levels/Validation Process
      2. Discipline and/or Program Assessment
      3. Graduation Requirements
      4. General Education Outcomes
      5. Transferability
      6. Articulations
      7. State Approval and Review Cycle
    3. Program Accreditation Requirements
    4. Discipline and/or Program Best Practices:
      1. Delta College in comparison to others
      2. Counselor’s Perspective
    5. Advisory Committee Activity – past three years
    6. Timing and Schedule Planning for Course Offerings:
      1. Fall, Winter, and Spring/Summer sequence
      2. Semester days and times
      3. Process for determining offerings
    7. Capacity/Enrollment/Graduation Rates
    8. Recruitment Activities (Past and Future)
    9. Financial:
      1. Cost to the student:
        1. Tuition and Fees
        2. Books by Course
        3. Supplies
        4. Miscellaneous
      2. Discipline and/or Program Costs:
        1. Faculty
        2. Equipment
        3. Facilities
        4. Support
        5. Other
      3. Discipline and/or Program Revenue
    10. Employment
      1. Current
      2. Future – from DOL 10-year forecast, needs study or other tools
      3. Graduates
      4. Earnings
    11. Other

Note: Proposed modifications to the Vitality Study procedure must include notification to and input from SEB and FEC

Note: If any of the recommendations of the vitality study result in the reduction and/or elimination of full time faculty, see Senate Policy 3.023 Faculty Reduction Due to Academic Program/Discipline Downsizing or Elimination.

Dependent and defined with the individual vitality study.

The possible members are explained in the above procedure. 

Cross reference locations
Senate Policies 3.023 Faculty Reduction Due to Academic Program/Discipline Downsizing or 3.024 Faculty Reduction Due to Declining Enrollments 

Revision/review dates
01/14, 4/19