Emergency Leave


All regular full-time and regular part-time employees are eligible for emergency leave.


    1. Emergency Leave shall be defined as illness, injury, convalescent assistance, or natural disaster and shall be based on the merits of the case and limited by the following provisions:
      a. Sudden illness in the immediate family – limited to two days per incident and charged to sick leave.
      b. Accident in the immediate family – limited to two days per incident and charged to sick leave.
      c. Convalescent assistance for a member of the immediate family – limited to two days per incident and charged to sick leave.
      d. Natural disasters – flood, fire, etc. – leave to be approved by the Director of Human Resources, or his/her designee, and limited to three days per incident and charged to sick leave.
    2.  Such use shall be limited to two days for any particular incident, illness, accident, or convalescent assistance to a maximum of six days in any calendar year (except in cases of natural disaster where a maximum of three days will be granted in any calendar year).
    3. “Immediate Family” for purposes of this policy shall be defined as husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, or a relative living in the same household.  Where a situation exists, which is not covered by these relationships, determination shall be made by the Human Resources Office.
    4. Extension of this leave may be granted upon written application and subject to approval by the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee.

Cross Reference Location
Sick leave for administrative/professional and support staff

All full/part time employees

Revision/review dates
1/11, 09/2017