3.008 Appointment and Reappointment of Tenure Track Faculty
- Applicants for positions must possess qualifications consistent with the standards
of Delta College. The general qualifications for appointment to the faculty will be:
- Demonstrated or potential ability as a teacher; and/or
- Professionally recognized achievement in the discipline to be taught; and
- Appropriate educational background.
- The general qualifications for reappointment will be those listed in A, B, and C above
as well as:
- Making suitable progress in teaching effectiveness;
- Working effectively and respectfully with fellow employees to further the success of students and the institution;
- Continued professional development; and
- Productive activity for the discipline, division and/or College.
- Appointments to tenure track faculty will be made at one of four professional ranks as follows: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor.
- Initial appointments (initial salary, type of appointment and rank) will be made in accordance with Senate Policy 3.003, cooperatively between the academic Associate Dean, Dean of Teaching and Learning, Chief Academic Officer and Human Resources, subject to approval by the College President.
- Annual reappointment of non-tenured faculty members will be subject to approval by
the College President.
- Such reappointment will originate with the academic Associate Dean who will consult the faculty members in the division who have completed at least one year of full-time status at Delta College. The academic Associate Dean will communicate the outcome of this review on a need-to-know basis within 10 days after this consultation is concluded. If a faculty member is not to be recommended, the faculty member will, upon request, receive written notice as to the reason(s).
- Upon receipt of the recommendation of the academic Associate Dean, the Dean of Teaching and Learning will review and submit the name(s) of the candidate(s) for reappointment to the Chief Academic Officer, after adding a recommendation or comment for any candidate listed if the Dean of Teaching and Learning chooses to do so.
- Upon receipt of the name(s) of the candidate(s) for reappointment, the Chief Academic Officer will review the name(s) and may add recommendations or comments for any individual prior to submission to the College President for final consideration for reappointment or non-reappointment.
- The College President will submit his/her reappointment(s) to the Board of Trustees for informational purposes only.
- Non-Reappointment for Non-tenured Faculty
- Notification Timelines: If a reappointment is in question as identified at V. A above,
the following timelines will apply:
- The appropriate academic Associate Dean will notify any first year tenure-track faculty member(s) by the end of the third week of the winter semester that his/her/their reappointment is in question. The College President will inform the first year tenure-track faculty member(s) of his/her final decision no later than the end of the thirteenth week of winter semester of the current appointment.
- The appropriate academic Associate Dean will notify any second year tenure-track faculty member(s) and beyond by the end of the tenth week of fall semester that his/her/their reappointment is in question. The College President will notify the second year and beyond tenure-track faculty member(s) of his/her final decision no later than the end of the fifth week of the winter semester of the current appointment.
- For the purposes of this policy, faculty whose initial full-time tenure track teaching assignment begins in January through June will be considered to be in their first year until the end of the subsequent academic year.
- The Senate President may extend these timelines as needed.
- Appeal Procedures and Timelines: If a faculty member is not to be recommended for
reappointment, the following process will be used:
- The affected faculty member, may appeal his/her non-reappointment to the division tenured faculty. This request must be made in writing and received by the appropriate academic Associate Dean (or designee) within five days of notification of non-reappointment under part A above.
- Based on the concept that non-tenured faculty are in a period of proving their professional qualifications, the burden of proof will rest with the non-tenured faculty member to demonstrate that he/she should be reappointed.
- Within ten days of receipt of the appeal from the non-tenured faculty member, the academic Associate Dean (or designee) will convene a division meeting of the tenured faculty to discuss the appeal.
- Within five days of the division appeal meeting, the tenured faculty, as a group, will convey in writing to the appropriate academic Associate Dean (or designee) their recommendation for reappointment or non-reappointment (with a 2/3 vote of the division tenured faculty in favor of reappointment required to recommend retaining the faculty member) and their reasons. The recommendation will be based on the information presented at the meeting.
- Within five days of receiving the tenured faculty's recommendation, the academic Associate Dean (or designee) will forward that recommendation, in writing, to the Dean of Teaching and Learning and to the Human Resources Office. The academic Associate Dean may note whether he/she agrees or disagrees with the tenured faculty’s recommendation.
- Within five days of receiving the recommendation of the tenured faculty, the Dean
of Teaching and Learning will:
- notify the faculty member of the recommendation of the division’s tenured faculty.
- make a recommendation for reappointment or non-reappointment to the Chief Academic Officer. This recommendation will also be conveyed in writing to the faculty member, the appropriate academic Associate Dean and the Human Resources Office.
- Within five days of receiving the recommendation of the Dean of Teaching and Learning, the Chief Academic Officer will make a recommendation for reappointment or non-reappointment to the College President. This recommendation will be conveyed in writing to the faculty member, the appropriate academic Associate Dean, the Dean of Teaching and Learning and the Human Resources Office.
- Within five days of receiving the recommendation of the Chief Academic Officer, the College President will make a final decision for reappointment or non-reappointment. This decision will be conveyed in writing to the faculty member, the appropriate academic Associate Dean who will in turn notify the tenured faculty group as outlined in VI, B3, the Dean of Teaching and Learning, the Chief Academic Officer and the Human Resources Office. In the case of non-reappointment, Assigned Legal Counsel and Public Safety will also be notified.
- Timelines in this policy may be adjusted by the Senate President as necessary.
- In the event that a tenure-track faculty member is not reappointed, his/her employment with Delta College will be terminated as of June 30th of the current academic year, or earlier by mutual agreement of the College and the affected faculty member. If the College determines that continued access would be detrimental to the affected faculty member, the division, the students, or the College, the College may restrict and/or deny the affected faculty member access to College resources, facilities and premises.
- Notification Timelines: If a reappointment is in question as identified at V. A above,
the following timelines will apply:
- Applicants for positions must possess qualifications consistent with the standards
of Delta College. The general qualifications for appointment to the faculty will be:
This policy must be reviewed in September 2020.
Board Action 5262 – December 11, 2018
Board Action 4966 – November 13, 2012
Board Action 4278 – January 15, 2002
Board Action 3521 – June 14, 1994