3.061 Academic Office Initiated Evaluations

More frequent evaluations than the normal division initiated schedule will be used when there is a written decision with rationale for more frequent evaluations as determined by the individual, or majority vote of the faculty members of the division, or the academic Associate Dean, the Dean of Teaching and Learning, or the Chief Academic Officer.

    1. The need and rationale for a special evaluation will be determined by the Dean of Teaching and Learning or the Chief Academic Officer and communicated in writing to the faculty member prior to the evaluation. The memo notifying the faculty member of the need and rationale for a special evaluation will also contain a sign-off section for the faculty member to document their receipt of the notification and a sign-off statement that the faculty member agrees or does not agree for a copy of the notification to be sent to the FEC chair.
      1. Various circumstances might suggest the need for a special evaluation. These might include but are not limited to frequent student complaints or observations suggesting a lack of teaching effectiveness of the rank held.
      2. The special evaluation need and general information concerning the process to be implemented will be discussed in a face-to-face meeting between the dean, the faculty member, and the faculty member’s academic Associate Dean. Within ten business days following the face-to-face meeting where the need and rationale has been presented, the Dean or Chief Academic Officer will present the written evaluation plan to the faculty member and the academic Associate Dean.
        1. With the written consent of the faculty member involved, the Chair of FEC will receive a copy of the written notification memo. The role of the FEC chair is to review the circumstances and their relationship to teaching effectiveness. The FEC chair will convey his or her findings to all involved parties.
        2. With the written consent of the faculty member involved, the FEC will be allowed to review and provide input concerning the design of the evaluation plan. This could be done at any step before any appeals have been finalized.
      3. The faculty member may have another faculty member serve as advisor or advocate during proceedings under this policy, and that advisor or advocate may take an active role in the proceedings.
    2. The evaluation will be conducted according to guidelines established to meet the circumstances of the specific case by the Dean of Teaching and Learning or Chief Academic Officer, with review and input from the faculty member, the academic Associate Dean, and, if requested, the FEC.
      1. The evaluation will follow the approved division guidelines unless the circumstances of the specific case require other arrangements.
        1. Any dispute over the scope or nature of the evaluation may be appealed to the Dean of Teaching and Learning, whose decision may be appealed to the chief academic officer.
        2. All such appeals must be brought in writing within ten working days of written receipt of notice of the final evaluation plan decision and must be finalized prior to the beginning of the evaluation.
      2. The academic Associate Dean, the concerned faculty member and any others involved, such as a peer review committee, will work cooperatively* together to effect the evaluation. Failure of any party to cooperate will be documented as part of the evaluation.
      3. The evaluation plan will include, but is not limited to, the following:
        1. Time-lines (beginning and end) of the total plan and processes within. The plan could involve more than one semester for implementation.
        2. Assessment tools and their intended evaluation outcomes.
        3. A list of potential external or internal participants or types of participants.
        4. Date(s) of regular communication and the final face-to-face presentation of the summary of the evaluation outcomes.
      4. If, during the process of implementing the evaluation plan, a need to change the evaluation’s scope is identified, the Dean of Teaching and Learning will consult the concerned faculty member, the academic Associate Dean and, where appropriate, the FEC. Any change can be made only by written consent of the Dean of Teaching and Learning, the concerned faculty member and, where appropriate, the FEC. If consensus cannot be reached, the Chief Academic Officer will make the decision.
        *Cooperation as stated in the policy means participation to the degree required to carry out the evaluation effectively.
    3. The written results of the evaluation will be given to and discussed with the individual faculty member. The results will become part of the faculty member’s personnel file in the Human Resources office.
      1. If the results of the evaluation demonstrate lack of teaching effectiveness, the Dean of Teaching and Learning or the Chief Academic Officer will create and implement an improvement plan.
      2. The Dean of Teaching and Learning or the Chief Academic Officer may initiate an improvement plan, with review and input from the academic Associate Dean, the concerned faculty member, the chair of the peer review committee and, when requested in writing by the faculty member, the FEC.
        1. Any such improvement plan and/or continuing evaluation will be initiated promptly following the initial evaluation and will define appropriate timelines to which all parties must adhere.
        2. Evaluation may continue as necessary to document whether needed change occurs.
        3. Any special costs associated with the improvement plan, which are not ordinarily the obligation of a faculty member, will be at the expense of the college.
    4. Discipline up to and including termination (See Senate Policy 3.062 Termination of Employment and Appeal of Termination for Tenured Faculty) may occur in appropriate circumstances such as: the results of the special evaluation, failure to cooperate in the special evaluation, failure to follow an improvement plan, or failure to make meaningful improvement as defined and required by the improvement plan.

This policy supersedes the final paragraph of Senate Policy 3.060 Division and Faculty Initiated Formative Evaluations of Fulltime Faculty.

This policy must be reviewed in September 2020.

Board Action 5262 – December 11, 2018
Board Action 4498 – June 14, 2005