4.020 Disruptive Student Behavior


Delta College strives to create a diverse learning environment based upon integrity, respect, and the civil exchange of ideas and information. Behaviors which jeopardize the educational process or College functions, impinge on the rights of other members of the College community, or that could possibly endanger the safety of others are considered disruptive and are not acceptable.  The failure to comply with a reasonable directive of a classroom faculty or staff member is also considered disruptive.


When disruptive behavior occurs, the faculty or staff member should take the appropriate actions outlined in the Delta College Procedures Manual under the Disruptive Student Behavior section.
The faculty member has the authority to require that a student exit the classroom, laboratory, or other area used for instruction for the remainder of the class period. Faculty who impose a one-day suspension should report the incident to the academic Associate Dean for appropriate action and documentation.
When disruptive behavior occurs in other College areas, a staff member should report this behavior to his or her supervisor for appropriate action and documentation. If his or her supervisor is not available and a staff member takes action under this policy, the staff member should report this event to the supervisor at the next level.
Additional contact may be made with Public Safety, the Vice President of Student & Educational Services and/or the Vice President of Instruction & Learning Services, and/or the Behavioral Intervention Review Board. A student who is disruptive may be subject to additional disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the College, under established procedures.

See Procedures Manual – Disruptive Students

Board Action 5262 – December 11, 2018
Board Action 4971 – November 13, 2012
Board Action 3888 – May 13, 1997