9.015 Elected Committees

    1. Executive Committee for Administrative/Professional Staff (ECAPS)
      Function and membership:
      1. To facilitate communication and to provide a forum for issues directly affecting Administrative/Professional Staff.
      2. To provide input into matters involving Senate policy and pending Senate policies and issues.
      3. To act as a liaison between the Administrative/Professional Staff and other functional bodies of the College. This group meets monthly.  The Administrative/Professional Forum is represented by the chair of ECAPS.  Business of all kinds concerning the Administrative/Professional Staff can be channeled through ECAPS.
      4. Members of the Administrative/Professional Staff who are Senate Assembly members are elected to ECAPS. Ex-officio/non-voting members may also be appointed by the ECAPS.  (Revised by Senate vote February 12, 1997)
    2. Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)
      Function and membership:
      1. To represent and pursue whatever Faculty interests appear relevant and pertinent.
      2. To act as a liaison between the Faculty and other functional bodies of the College.
      3. The Faculty Forum is an organization composed of individuals who are primarily responsible for classroom and laboratory instruction at Delta College. This group meets monthly during the academic school year.  The Faculty Forum is represented by the elected FEC, and the chair of this committee is responsible for chairing the Faculty meetings.  Business of all kinds concerning the Faculty can be channeled through the FEC.
      4. Members are elected to the FEC for three-year terms.
    3. Support Staff Executive Committee (SSEC)
      Function and membership:
      1. To facilitate communication and to provide a forum for issues directly affecting Support Staff.
      2. To provide input into matters involving Senate policy and pending Senate policies and issues.
      3. To act as a liaison between the Support Staff and other functional bodies of the College. This group meets monthly.  The Support Staff Forum is represented by the chair of SSEC.  Business of all kinds concerning Support Staff can be channeled through SSEC.
      4. Members of the Support Staff who are Senate Assembly members are elected to SSEC. Ex-officio/non-voting members may also be appointed by the SSEC.
    4. Sabbatical Leaves and Grants Committee
      Function and membership:
      1. The Committee carries the responsibility of reviewing, analyzing, and making recommendations for all sabbatical leaves.
      2. The Committee reviews, analyzes, and makes recommendations regarding some of the following: educational grants, alternative assignments, and development and publication of educational material by Delta College personnel.
      3. Members are elected to the Committee for three-year terms.
    5. Faculty Salary Committee
      1. The Faculty Salary Committee is elected by the Faculty to work with the Administrative Team to negotiate a tentative agreement on the Faculty Salary Agreement.
      2. The proposed tentative agreement becomes effective upon ratification by the Faculty and approval of the Board of Trustees. The Faculty Salary Agreement is then made available to each faculty member.
      3. See Senate Policy 3.050 for details concerning the Faculty Salary Committee.

Board Action 4988 – February 19, 2013
Board Action 4769-Inclusion of Support Staff – May 12, 2009