9.020 Senate Standing Committee
Senate Standing Committee chairs serve on a January-to-January basis, while committee members serve on a September-to-September basis. Names of committee chairs and members may be obtained from the Senate Office. In addition, copies of committee guidelines are available from the Senate Office.
- College Calendar Committee
The College Calendar Committee will develop the College calendar for future years and publish a desk calendar annually. The academic calendar will be recommended to the Senate three years in advance and presented to the Board of Trustees for its final approval. - Human Relations Committee
The Human Relations Committee proactively endeavors to:- Promote and enhance a campus environment that is civil, respectful, and welcoming to all by educating and providing knowledge on inter-group relations.
- Identify factors and conditions that contribute to inter-group tensions and conflicts.
- Provide a forum for concerns pertaining to the human relations environment on all Delta campuses.
- Advocate Delta College’s mission, vision, and values in human relations on all Delta campuses.
- Collaborate with the Equity Office Advisory Committee on issues of diversity and equity.
- By-laws for HRC Membership
- HRC members should actively support any and all activities the HRC sponsors.
- HRC members are expected to report updates on HRC issues to their respective workgroups regularly.
- The HRC chair is expected to encourage balance in HRC membership when it comes to responsibility and representation.
- HRC members are expected to attend HRC meetings regularly.
- Special Projects Committee
The Senate Special Projects Committee invites assembly members to pursue grant funding for new projects that reflect the vision, mission, or values of Delta College. Committee members encourage innovative project development, field application questions, evaluate proposals, hear project team presentations, and award grants until allotted Delta College Foundation funds are exhausted. The Committee requires all grant recipients to submit a final report, following criteria stated in the proposal application. - Student/Senate Liaison Committee
The Student/Senate Liaison Committee will work with the Student Senators to fulfill their mission to be a voice for the student body through their participation in the Delta College Senate. The Student/Senate Liaison Committee will help the Student Senators identify areas for improving the effectiveness of the College in addressing student issues. The Student Senators will serve as a formal link between students and the Delta College Senate with guidance from the Student/Senate Liaison Committee.
Board Action 5234 – June 12, 2018
Board Action 4991 – February 19, 2013
Board Action 4769 – Wording Clarifications – May 12, 2009
Board Action 4644 – Equity Language Changes – December 11, 2007