Committees Required by Senate Policy
Grade Appeal Board (2022)
(One-year term: January 1 through December 31)
Grade Appeal Board will act on student grade disputes that have not been resolved
through the informal process or at the division level. This seven-member Board is
appointed (Senate Policy 4.025 Disputed Final Grade).
Dean or Associate Dean will be appointed at time of Grade Appeal
Tom Boudrot, Social Sciences
Mark Balawander, Arts and Letters
Ann Dore, Health and Wellness
Faculty member appointed by academic Associate Dean from the division which the grade
is being appealed.
Kimberly Katzer, Student Services
Student Representatives: Sasha Boileau, Donald Graham, Connor Sika
Alternates: Ron Schlaack, Science and Math; Chris Hausbeck, Health and Wellness;
Dennis Roebuck, Business and Technology
Grade Ombudsperson
Christopher Rader
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2024
Grievance Committee (2021)
(Two-year terms: January 1 through December 31)
The Grievance Committee will provide an avenue of appeal for people utilizing Senate Policy 2.060 – The Grievance Procedure.
Mike Glowacki, Faculty (2021)
Lisa Davis, A/P (2021)
Wendy Burns, Faculty (2021)
Melissa Wallace, A/P (2021)
Darci Doll, Faculty (2021)
Katie Green, A/P (2021)
Ann Dore, Faculty (2021)
Mike Garlick, A/P (2021)
Christine Horn, Faculty (2021)
Lori Kloc, A/P (2021)
Lyn Lemerand, Faculty (2021)
Monica Hernandez-Alaniz, A/P (2021)
Kim Wells, Faculty (2021)
Edie Contois, SS (2021)
Jill Harrison, Faculty (2021)
Brandy Benkert, SS (2021)
Trent Wade, Faculty (2021)
Tonya Hafoka, SS (2021)
Paula Cornell, Faculty (2021)
Lisa McNeil, SS (2021)