They say you can't be all things to all people. But at Delta, we don't believe that. Not sure where to start? You're in the right place. We're here to help you through the admissions process.
At Delta we offer 140 different degrees and certificates. Discover which ones fit your interests. Or explore how to make your transfer plans as seamless as possible. We even offer several online programs that you can complete on your own time. And if you don’t know what you want to study, don’t worry! You can take a career assessment or work with a career advisor to learn how you can turn your passions into a career.
Programs Transfer Online Health Programs Undecided
Paying for College
Having a plan for how you’re going to pay for college should be one of the top things on your list. College can be expensive, but you’ve got options. Grants, loans, scholarships, payment plans, and more are available to reduce your stress, but it’s important to build your plan for financing college early. Learn more about all the options you have for paying for college.
Pay for College Costs Financial Aid Scholarships Payment Plan
already have credit?
Did you go to a career center while in high school? Did you take Advanced Placement (AP) classes? Did you attend another college or university before Delta? Whatever your situation, you worked hard for those credits. At Delta, we want to make sure you can transfer in the credits that you earned as seamlessly as possible. Learn how below.
Transfer In Articulation/CTE ADVANCED PLACEMENT Credit for Experience
dual enrollment & early middle college
Over 10% of enrolled students at Delta College are still in high school. Taking dual enrollment classes is a great way to get a head start towards your education and career. And most school districts will pay for your classes too. It's a real win-win situation. Whether you're a student, parent, or counselor, discover how easy it can be to start dual enrollment today.
Dual Enrollment Early Middle College Tuition Authorization Form (TAF)
Apply & next steps
Are you ready to apply to Delta College? Start your application today! It's fast, easy, and costs absolutely nothing to apply. Once you're done, check out the next steps checklist to know everything you'll need to accomplish before registering for classes.
Apply Now Next Steps Checklist HS Senior Timeline Set up Delta Account
Additional Resources

Delta is less than half the cost of a public university, with the same quality education.

Delta has been named a national top 10 technology innovations winner.

The student to professor ratio at Delta is 16:1.
"I realized I couldn't get a good job without a degree and that scared me, so I went back to college. Now I'm confident I'll be able to really succeed in my field."
Delta College President's List (4.0)
Welding Engineering Technology
Living her dream as a pipefitter and welding aficionado