Help a Student in Need

Our students can face many hurdles and uncertainty. There are many funding options available to provide assistance for those in need. The source of those dollars may be through the Delta College Foundation or through federal grant dollars. We are here to help figure out the best possibility, if you are able to recommend students to us for consideration.

Foundation Student Emergency Assistance

The Delta College Foundation is able to provide assistance for students in emergency situations. These dollars are the result of employee giving campaigns or from generous external donors who made financial contributions. The goal is to provide assistance to students who need help in a short turn-around time in order to ensure they will continue their education. Situations include a wide range of scenarios such as: car repairs, bus passes, rent, utility payments, books, supplies and other essential needs.

Gifts to students are usually in the range of approximately $500-$700 each, and do not have to be paid back to the college. Money is never given directly to the students, rather, vendors (auto repair shops, utility companies, landlords, etc.) will be paid directly. If books and supplies are needed, charges will be made directly to the Delta College Bookstore.

Delta College faculty or staff members are encouraged to identify students in need of help. There is an online application process, which starts with a Delta employee who submits a student's name for consideration. That will trigger an email to a student for further information. Once it is completed, it arrives at the Foundation Office to take action. All of the steps can be accomplished in a paperless manner.