Administrative Professional Staff Position Elimination, Position Modification & Reassignment Policy
- Terms of Employment
The terms of employment of full-time Administrative/Professional staff are defined by the individual Memorandums of Appointment, which have been approved and signed by the College President and individual employees. The terms provided in the Memorandums of Appointment are binding on both parties. The Memorandum of Appointment applies in the event that a provision of this or any other policy conflicts with the Memorandum. The procedures set forth in Sections II through VI of this policy apply when the decision is made to reassign, substantially modify (i.e., a modification that results in a reduction of salary or a significant change in the nature of the job or length of the appointment) or terminate a position for reasons other than disciplinary action. - Financial Exigency
If a financial exigency is declared by the Board of Trustees, the College1 may release full-time A/P staff during the current Memorandum of Appointment term. Release of A/P staff employees in this circumstance will be effective with as much notice as reasonably possible based on the financial exigency and administrative need. To the extent possible, reductions will occur with the least disruption to the College and the students. - Notice Requirements
- Except in financial exigency as described in Section II above, full-time A/P staff
and Human Resources will receive notification during the term of their current Memorandum
of Appointment if the College intends to eliminate their positions, substantially
modify their positions, or reassign them to different positions during the current
or following appointment year. A reassignment, modification or termination shall not
occur until the following advance written notice has been provided:
No less than ninety calendar days for full-time A/P staff who have been employed by the College for six or more years.
- No less than sixty calendar days for full-time A/P staff who have been employed by the College for at least two years but less than six years; and
- No less than fourteen calendar days for full-time A/P staff who have been employed
by the College less than two years.
- For reassignments or modifications, any changes in the number of weeks worked, or
changes in compensation based on the results of the position description review, will
be effective in the fiscal year following the then current Memorandum of Appointment.
- In the event that less than the required notification is provided, the College will
compensate the person for the difference or issue an additional Memorandum of Appointment
that continues the current terms of employment for no less than the prescribed notification
time from the date of notification.
- Except in financial exigency as described in Section II above, full-time A/P staff
and Human Resources will receive notification during the term of their current Memorandum
of Appointment if the College intends to eliminate their positions, substantially
modify their positions, or reassign them to different positions during the current
or following appointment year. A reassignment, modification or termination shall not
occur until the following advance written notice has been provided:
- Communication
- For eliminated positions, substantially modified positions, and reassignments, a written
statement will be signed by the College President and provided to the affected employees
at the time they are notified of changes in their employment status. It is the intent
of the College that notification should be face to face whenever possible unless unavoidable
circumstances require verbal or written notice. The statement will summarize any relevant changes.
- It is expected that other appropriate College offices and employees will be notified
in writing if there is any anticipated impact on working relationships between offices.
- For eliminated positions, substantially modified positions, and reassignments, a written
statement will be signed by the College President and provided to the affected employees
at the time they are notified of changes in their employment status. It is the intent
of the College that notification should be face to face whenever possible unless unavoidable
circumstances require verbal or written notice. The statement will summarize any relevant changes.
- Job Descriptions
- For modifications in which the primary change is in the length of the appointment, revision and review of the job description will ordinarily not be required.
- Modifications in which the primary change is the amount of work assigned are not subject to this policy and the review and revision of the job description will not ordinarily be required.
- For modifications which involve significant changes in the nature, scope or level
of responsibility of existing positions or assignment to a new position:
- Revised job descriptions for substantially modified full-time A/P staff positions, and job descriptions for new positions, will be submitted to the Human Resources Office no later than thirty calendar days after the effective date of the modified position.
- The review process will be completed no later than thirty calendar days after submission
to Human Resources.
See Procedures Manual - Human Resources, Position Description Procedures - Support and Administrative/Professional Staff
- Job descriptions of full-time A/P staff who are reassigned to full-time or part-time
positions in employee groups other than A/P will be handled according to applicable
College guidelines and procedures.
- Elimination of Position that Results in a Loss of Employment.
- The College’s Human Resources Office shall provide appropriate separation services to full-time A/P staff whose position was eliminated (a “released full-time A/P staff”).
- If the position of a full-time A/P staff released under this policy is re-instated without substantial modification during a period of two years, the A/P staff may be recalled without posting the position. A/P staff will be notified by registered mail at their last known address of the opportunity to be reappointed to their former position with no less than the same salary, but not below the then current minimum of the salary range for the position. A/P staff must indicate their desire to return to their former position in writing to the Director of Human Resources within ten calendar days from the date of the registered notice. Failure to respond will be considered a rejection of the offer of appointment. The official date for return to work will be indicated in the notice.
- Released A/P staff will be eligible to apply as internal candidates for similar or other positions for which they qualify for a period of three years.
- A/P staff released under this policy will have access either to the Conflict Resolution Grievance Procedure or the Equity Grievance Procedure, but not both, to settle disputes involving this policy2 .
- The tuition reimbursement policy will remain in effect for released full-time A/P staff until June 30 of the full fiscal year following their release.
1 Where the term “the College” is referenced in this policy, it is understood that decisions made by “the College” have been made in consultation with the appropriate managers and Executive staff as well as with Human Resources, General Counsel and other such resource persons.
2 Conflict Resolution Grievance Procedure, See Equity Office for more information.
Board Action 4949 – August 14, 2012
Board Action 3812 – October 8, 1996
Board Action 3698 – January 9, 1996