Types of Student Employment
- Departments will be reimbursed for the federal or state portion of the wages earned
by the
student - Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 academic credit hours – refer to Minimum Enrollment
Requirements for more details - Maximum of 20 hours worked per week (new hour limit effective 4/27/2019)
- Non-profit community agencies – You may not hire students and assign them work for any nonDelta organization. Contact Career Development Office to obtain and sign a written agreement
- Cost center is responsible for 25% of student wages
- Departments will be reimbursed for the federal or state portion of the wages earned
by the
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 academic credit hours
- Maximum of 20 hours worked per week (new hour limit effective 4/27/2019)
- Cost center is responsible for 100% of the student wages
International students
- Must be in compliance with your F-1 Student Visa (See International Advisor to confirm).
- Prior to beginning on campus employment, a U.S. Social Security card must be obtained.
- Maximum of 20 hours worked per week (new hour limit effective 4/27/2019)
- Can only work on campus
- Must be a current Delta College student and have declared Delta College as their institution
authorized to attend by the US Department of Homeland Security- Immigration and Customs
Enforcement - Cost center is responsible for 100% of the student wages
Work-study program
What is work-study?
The Federal work-study program provides job leads for students who need financial
assistance to attend
college. Students receive bi-weekly paychecks which can be used at the discretion
of the student.
Delta College has both on-campus and off-campus Work-Study positions. Off-campus positions
non-profit organizations such as schools, libraries, social service, recreation, youth
and other community
service organizations.
Who is eligible for work-study?
Eligibility for Work-Study is determined by completing and submitting the FAFSA (Free
Application for
Federal Aid) form (located on the Portal). Code 002251 must be listed in step 6 on
the form. To be
eligible a student must demonstrate financial need, be at least a half-time student
(enrolled in a
minimum of 6 credits) and be a citizen or permanent resident.
How does a student apply for work-study?
Financial Aid Office will notify them of their Work-Study eligibility.
Work-study awards/funds
Semester depending on funding and student eligibility requirements being met. Work-Study students
will have individual limits based on enrollment and eligibility.