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Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that all entities in receipt of any federal funds or financial assistance must prohibit sex discrimination in their education programs and activities. Examples of the types of discrimination that are covered under Title IX include:  sexual harassment, the failure to provide equal opportunity in athletic and academic programs, and discrimination based on pregnancy. Retaliation for filing a complaint or advocating for a right protected by Title IX is also prohibited. 

Sexual misconduct, in any form, is in direct conflict with Delta College’s values and diminishes the safety and security of all members of the College community.  Delta College’s Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination Procedures were developed to take every reasonable measure to prevent, investigate, appropriately respond to, and mitigate the effects of incidents of sexual misconduct.  These procedures were created in accordance with State of Michigan and Federal regulations and reflect Delta College’s commitment to the safety of its community.  Additionally, Delta College’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (PDF) was developed to address sexual harassment that specifically meets the Department of Education's definitions and jurisdictional requirements.

Title IX requirements apply to all aspects of education programs and activities at Delta and protects male and female students from sexual harassment by any college employee, another student, or a non-employee third party , including student admissions, financial assistance, access to academic offerings, and athletics. The law also applies to all aspects of Delta’s employment process, including hiring, tenure, compensation, and training.  Delta College is obligated to:

  • Provide assurances that all education programs and activities are in compliance with Title IX
  • Designate a Title IX Coordinator to oversee compliance efforts
  • Establish procedures to prevent and resolve student and employee Title IX complaints
  • Provide notification to students and employees that sex discrimination is prohibited within its programs
  • Ensure that all administrators, managers, deans, and program directors, familiarize themselves with, and implement Title IX provisions
Responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator, Allie Martinez, is the individual responsible for ensuring compliance with the law in this area at Delta College (Delta).  Delta’s Title IX Coordinator’s responsibilities involve the development, implementation, and monitoring of efforts to comply with Title IX legislation, regulation, and case law. The Title IX Coordinator monitors the application of Delta’s policy and Title IX law in relation to complaint procedures. This includes notification, investigation and disposition of complaints; creation of educational materials and training for the campus community; ensuring a fair and neutral process for all parties; and monitoring all other aspects of Delta’s Title IX compliance.

Title IX/VAWA Advisors

Any individuals going through the Title IX grievance process or the Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination grievance process have the right to an Advisor.  The Advisor may be a friend, mentor, family member, attorney, or any other individual a party chooses to advise, support, and/or consult with them throughout the resolution process. The parties may choose Advisors from inside or outside of the College community.  The following individuals are Delta’s trained Title IX/VAWA Advisors and are familiar with the College’s resolution processes.  For more information on the role of Advisors please see the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy or the Sexual Misconduct & Gender Discrimination Rules Policies and Procedures.

Veronica Bond, Business Services Specialist

Aron Drake, Associate Professor

JD Garn, Associate Dean of Arts & Letters

Chris Hausbeck, Associate Professor

Sherrill Irish, Administrative Office Professional

Darrin Johnson, Manager of Recruitment

Tim McGuire, Instructor

Kristy Nelson, Director of Downtown Centers

Danielle Petersen, Manager of the TLC & Testing Center

Melissa Wallace, Instructor

Title IX training materials

All participants in the Title IX process are required to receive Title IX training.  The following resources and/or materials were used to provide training to appropriate process participants:

How to make a complaint

Anybody who sees sexual harassment or other prohibited conduct occur should report it; the reporting individual need not be the victim.  Conduct should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator in the Equity Office or to a college mandated reporter (responsible employee), such as a faculty member, administrator, Delta College campus police, or a professional staff member in the office of student educational services who will then report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator.  Complaints can also be made using the online reporting form. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will perform an initial assessment to determine which policy and process the complaint would fit under.


Title IX requires that Delta College provides equal opportunity in athletic programs to both genders.  Currently, Delta offers basketball, soccer and softball for women and basketball, golf and baseball for men.  Each year the Title IX Coordinator performs a self-audit of the Delta College Athletics department to measure compliance with the standards established by the Department of Education and the recommendations of that National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA) which include participation, athletic financial assistance, fundraising and treatment which is broken down in to an examination of eleven different areas. 

Pregnant and parenting students

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex – including pregnancy and parental status – in educational programs and activities.  In compliance with Title IX, the Delta College administrators, faculty and Title IX Coordinator pledges to collaborate on a case-by-case basis with all students facing pregnancy and parenting challenges.  We also pledge to provide strategies that support the academic freedom of faculty and the academic integrity of the learning environment.  We encourage any student facing these types of challenges to contact the Title IX Coordinator for more information.