We're one of the country's leading community colleges - recognized for our innovation, our community leadership and our teaching excellence. We're also known for caring about each student every step of the way.
They say you can't be all things to all people but, at Delta, we don't believe that.
Achieving the Dream leader college
As an Achieving the Dream Leader College, Delta is recognized for its commitment to improving student success and closing achievement gaps. It's just one way we continue to provide the best education to our students, helping them achieve their dreams, whatever they are.
League for Innovation
Delta College is a charter member of the League for Innovation in the Community College. The League is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement. It hosts events and provides resources with its member colleges, corporate partners and other agencies in its continuing efforts to make a positive difference for students and communities.
Kenyan sister college alliances
In 1989, Delta College entered into a unique and historic international agreement with Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology in Nakuru, Kenya. The arrangement created a sister college collaborative for education exchange and mutual benefits for both institutions and their communities.

Delta is nationally recognized as one of America's leading community colleges.

At Delta, we care about sustainability. Our latest building was given a LEED Gold Certification. We're proud of that.

Delta opened its doors in 1961 to 2,636 students. It was a historic moment for the people of the Great Lakes Bay Region.

"Each and every one of us plays a pivotal role, not just in education, but in what the future of our region and country looks and feels like."
Delta College President