We love helping students reach their goals – fast. And, so do you. That's why partnering makes sense. Whether you're a high school, community college or university, we'd like to work with you to make the path to and from Delta College easy. Let's talk.
High School
We have many high school, RESD and ISD articulation agreements to make sure that their college credit earned in high school counts toward their degree when they come to Delta.
Want to join the list? Contact us!
- High school teacher submits a Letter of Intent to the Delta Articulation Office (AO).
- The AO forwards the necessary forms to be completed by high school teacher.
- High school teacher compiles the articulation documentation (outcomes and objectives) and submits it to AO by the end of November for that school year, to insure full consideration for articulation in that current school year.
- The AO forwards the documentation to a Delta Discipline Contact to evaluate for articulation.
- The AO creates the agreement if it is justified or notifies the high school if there are issues with the request.
- Agreement is routed and then finalized when Delta receives the signed copy. Applications are created and shared with the school, which are available to use for current students.
- Applications are submitted and processed for completed high school classwork of articulations.
Secondary Articulation agreements are good for a duration of five years.
Every year all high school articulations go through an informal review process. Once an articulation is established with a high school there is the potential for the agreement to go through informal reviews every school year, as long as there are not any significant changes in what is taught at the high school or at Delta. After the annual informal reviews, or if there are significant changes, the articulation is required to go through the formal renewal process, which is the same process as establishing a new high school articulation.
Delta's Articulation Office will contact the liaison at each school after the start of the new academic school year to guide them through the process for each articulation.
Have questions? Contact us!
Higher Ed
Whether students are heading to Delta from another institution, or they're heading out to get that bachelor's or higher, we want to make sure they get the most from what they've already done.
An articulation agreement is the best way to achieve that. Let's work together! Contact us!

Delta has 200+ articulation agreements giving students a smooth transition from one institution to another.

95% of Delta grads said they were happy with how their credits transferred.

The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) facilitates the transfer of general education requirements from one institution to another.

"We're pleased to work with Delta College to ensure that credits earned at Lake Superior State can be transferred back to provide students with their well-deserved associate's degrees."
David Roland Finley
Interim Provost
Lake Superior State University