You don’t have to be a student to be part of the Delta College community supporting student success.
At Delta College, several departments work in coordination with external vendors to support College goals and initiatives. You could be one of them.
How it works
The Delta College Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of all equipment, services, materials, and supplies utilized by the Delta College campus. In providing these services in accordance with sound business practices, the office seeks to realize the maximum value for every dollar expended.
At Delta College, only the Purchasing Department can commit to a contract with a vendor. Individual departments can make informal inquiries, but all official and legal contracts go through Purchasing.
Want to meet with us? Great. Contact us to make an appointment.
Interested in doing business with Delta? Awesome!
You can contact the Purchasing Department at Be sure to let us know your contact information, your products or services, and your website address.
Delta College is a member of the following purchasing cooperatives/consortiums: Hospital Purchasing System (HPS); E & I Cooperative; State of Michigan; MiDEAL; Regional Education Media Center (REMC), National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), and U.S. Communities. When applicable, all pricing should be reflected through one of these agreements, when that pricing is in the best interest of Delta College.
Delta College is exempt from all state and federal taxes. Each purchase order issued makes reference to this tax exempt status. Invoices should not include tax.
Delta College is committed to incorporating environmentally-conscious choices into purchasing and procurement processes, and promotes sustainable purchasing by applying the methodology of "reduce, reuse, recycle and recover."
Whenever possible, Delta College considers the environmental impacts of a product or service when making purchasing, including choosing products that:
- are the most energy efficient, including EPEAT and Energy Star rated;
- have a high recycled content, especially post-consumer recycled content;
- reduce solid waste (have less packaging, are reusable and durable);
- are the least environmentally damaging through their lifecycle, in manufacturing, use and disposal;
- and are made or grown locally.
Unless otherwise noted on the purchase order, all deliveries are to be made directly to Shipping and Receiving. Shipments are normally received between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday. Delta College will not accept liability for goods and services ordered and/or shipped to the College without an approved purchase order.
After items have been delivered or services performed, invoices can be sent to:
University Center, MI 48710
Or emailed to:
Invoices should reference the purchase order number, complete description of goods or services provided, quantities/unit prices/extensions, discount terms, and invoice number. Delta College does not pay from statements. Invoices without a purchase order number will be delayed for payment until a purchase order number can be indicated.
Payments are made within 30 days from the receipt of the invoice or as per the payment terms stipulated with the purchase order.
The general policy is to make no prepayments or accept C.O.D.'s.
Delta College has a Standard Response to Credit Applications that can be forwarded to vendors upon request. To request this statement, please call Accounts Payable at 989-686-9233.
Delta College has partnered with BidNet as part of the MITN Purchasing Group to post bid opportunities to this site. As a vendor, you can register with the MITN Purchasing Group to ensure that you will see all available bids and opportunities. By selecting automatic bid notification, your company will receive emails when Delta College has a bid opportunity that matches your company's business. The website provides access to not only Delta College's solicitations but also to solicitations for over 250 public agencies and educational institutions across Michigan to more effectively notify vendors of bidding opportunities. The MITN Purchasing Group delivers convenient, centralized, online access to bid opportunities, reduces paperwork, and makes it easier for vendors to do business with public agencies. The site provides instant access to all of Delta College's requests for quotes, information, proposals, addenda, and awards.
Delta College looks forward to providing you with more bid information and simplifying the entire bid, proposal, and quote processes. We appreciate your cooperation and welcome your participation. If you need help registering, please call the BidNet/MITN Vendor Support department toll-free at 1 (800) 835-4603, option #2.
Delta College Open Solicitations
Disclosure: Records in any form that Delta College's Business Services/Purchasing Department receives in conjunction with soliciting, evaluating, or awarding a purchase are subject to disclosure under Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); Act 442 of 1976. Records that may be exempt from disclosure are identified in Section 15.243 of the Act.
Delta College's policy with respect to FOIA requests is to comply with State law in all respects and to respond to FOIA requests in a consistent, fair, and even-handed manner regardless of who makes such a request. These requests may also be referred to as Public Record Requests or Open Record Requests as terminology varies from state to state.
Pursuant to MCL 15.236, Andrea Ursuy is designated as the FOIA Coordinator for Delta College. Please include the words "FOIA" or "FOIA Request" in communication related to requests for public records and submit them to Andrea L. Ursuy, FOIA Coordinator, Delta College, 1961 Delta Road, University Center, MI 48710, or email
Under FOIA, Delta College may charge the requester a fee, which shall be limited to actual mailing costs, and to the actual incremental cost of duplication or publication including labor, cost of search, examination, review, and the deletion and separation of exempt from non-exempt information.
If you enter a purchasing agreement with Delta College, you may be asked to review and accept the following terms and conditions.
View our Purchasing Terms and Conditions (PDF)
The Child Development Practicum Agreement has the info you need regarding the child development programs at Delta College.
View the Child Development Practicum Agreement Terms & Conditions (PDF)
Delta College encourages and requests that only latex safe gloves and balloons be used on the premises to avoid potential related risks and allergic reactions to employees, students and visitors. Delta College values employees, students and visitors and seeks to reduce risks associated with latex allergies and the related serious and potentially fatal conditions. Individuals are encouraged to use safe alternatives when the use of these items is needed.

Delta utilizes vendors throughout the Great Lakes Bay Region, as well as within Michigan and nationwide.

Delta College purchases under a number of purchasing contracts, cooperatives and consortiums, all to provide the best value to the college.

Delta's annual impact on the local economy is $406 million.