On the November Ballot voters in Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties will find a Delta
College millage renewal and restoration proposal.
This proposal will permit Delta College to continue the current levy of millage for college purposes by renewing the college’s authority to levy 0.4864 mill, which was previously approved by the voters, as well as restore a portion of the prior millage, which was reduced by 0.0136 mill by the Headlee Amendment.
Your tax rate will return to the rate of 0.5000 mill, as was intended and approved by voters prior to the Headlee Amendment rollback.
Funds will support general operations, including instructional programs, workforce training, equipment and facility maintenance.
Your tax dollars have an impact on the lives of your family, friends and neighbors.
1 in 8 people in our community has taken a class at Delta, and more than 10,000 students attend annually.
Tuition is $117 a contact hour for those living in Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties. This is less than half the cost of a university.
A person with an associate’s degree in the Great Lakes Bay Region makes 32% more than someone with a high school diploma. That’s an average salary of $37,700.
Delta’s annual impact on the local economy is $406.6 million, which equals 2.2% of the total economy.
83% of Delta graduates in the last five years stay in Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties, 97% in Michigan.
This millage renewal and restoration will provide nearly $5.7 million annually in support of higher education at Delta College.
For more information, visit delta.edu/millage.
If you own a $100,000 home, you will continue to pay $24.32 per year for this millage renewal. And, about 68 cents more annually to return to the pre-Headlee .5000 mill rate.
Millage rate would be $0.50 per $1,000 of taxable value of a home, which is approximately half its market value.