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A touching birthday present

Brothers honor parents’ dedication to education

Clarence and June Hackbarth
Clarence and June Hackbarth
he Hackbarth brothers

(Top) Clarence and June Hackbarth. (Left) Clarence and June Hackbarth. (Above right) The Hackbarth brothers, from left, are Scott, Rick and Mark. All three brothers are Delta alumni. 

At Clarence Hackbarth’s 90th birthday party, his three sons – Rick, Scott and Mark – announced that they would be setting up a scholarship in his and their mother’s honor.

“He was very touched,” said Scott Hackbarth. “The scholarship was the perfect way to honor my parents and what education and Delta meant to them.” 

The Clarence and June Hackbarth Scholarship Endowment provides support to Delta College students who are pursuing careers in teaching, healthcare or social work.  

Rick Hackbarth said the idea for a scholarship began several years ago, when something his dad said really stuck with him. 

“He said, ‘When you’re gone, your legacy is the way you lived your life and the people you helped along the way,’” Rick said. “To my brothers and me, a scholarship was a way to extend an opportunity to people who might not have the means to pursue higher education.” 

Clarence and June met in the mid-50s while working together at a theater in Wisconsin. Both first-generation students, they attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and became educators. 

Clarence joined Delta in 1964 to teach sociology and rose through the ranks to become a full professor. He served as the social sciences division chair from 1976 until he retired in 1992. 

June was a kindergarten and first-grade teacher until she and Clarence started a family in Midland. She often volunteered to help people read and write, and she taught decorative painting classes for many years. 

“Simply put, they had a desire to make the world a better place,” Rick said. “They believed that everyone should have an equal chance at success and that those with less opportunity sometimes need a hands up from those fortunate enough to be in a position to help.”  

June passed away in 2016 and Clarence passed away in 2018, but their legacy and passion for helping others live on. 

Rick said his dad was just thrilled when they announced the scholarship at his birthday celebration. “I think it’s the best gift we ever gave him,” he said.  

Once a Pioneer, always a Pioneer

Rick Hackbarth and his mother, June.
Mark graduates from Delta with his proud father, Clarence, by his side.

(Left) Rick Hackbarth and his mother, June, celebrate Rick’s graduation from Delta on a sunny, spring day. (Above) Mark graduates from Delta with his proud father, Clarence, by his side.

Naturally, the Hackbarth brothers got their start at Delta College. 

Rick, the oldest of the siblings, graduated in 1978 and went on to become a pediatric physician in Grand Rapids. He attended Michigan Technological University (MTU) and medical school at Wayne State University. 

Scott graduated from Delta College in 1983 and transferred to MTU to earn a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He works for Boeing as a tool engineer. He and his wife, Kim, live in Seattle. They have two children. 

Mark, the youngest of the siblings, followed in his parents’ footsteps and became a teacher. He graduated from Delta in 1988 and transferred to Central Michigan University to earn a degree in teaching. He teaches middle school math and science in Midland. 

Rick said his parents encouraged him to attend a two-year institution because the primary mission is teaching.

“They said I’d get a better education, and they were right,” he said. “My absolute best teachers I ever had were at Delta and some of my most important mentors were at Delta.”

Scott agrees. “Delta provided a great place to find my way to the career I wanted,” he said. 

Interested in starting an endowment?

Many individuals and businesses establish endowments, which are held by Delta College and provide interest that is awarded as scholarships to students. Contact Julie Dorcey at 989-686-9079 or