April 22, 2019
A new era for local education began with the groundbreaking for the new Delta College
Downtown Midland Center on April 22 at 419 East Ellsworth St. in Midland.
The ceremony officially opened construction on the 30,000 square foot building scheduled to open in fall 2020. The center will include science and computer labs, classrooms, advanced educational and training technology, special use training rooms, multi-purpose rooms and labs, student services and administrative space to strengthen Delta's ability to deliver the highest caliber of college instruction and workforce training. Classes will continue to be held at the current Delta College Midland Center on Wheeler Street for fall 2019 and winter 2020 semesters.
Speakers included Delta College President Jean Goodnow, Dow President and Chief Financial Officer Howard Ungerleider and Delta Board of Trustees Chair Diane Middleton.
"Delta is very excited to begin construction on what promises to be a great learning environment," said Dr. Goodnow. "Students, educators and employers have been asking us for this opportunity in Midland, and we are pleased to see it happening."
Locally Funded and Supported
The Downtown Midland Center construction is estimated at $13 million, with more than $9 million provided by community donors.
Major funding was provided by Dow and the Dow Corning Foundation. Additional generous funders include: The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation, the Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation, the Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation, the Charles J. Strosacker Foundation. The building’s site, bounded by Ellsworth, Townsend, Buttles and Cronkright streets, was donated by Chemical Bank and Dow.
Dow, the University of Michigan and Delta College are collaborating to develop the Dow Innovation Teacher Fellowship, scheduled to launch soon. This initiative will provide area teachers with an immersive learning environment and education hub to inspire the workforce of tomorrow and create sustainable pathways that will have a positive impact on the environment and society.
Centered in the Community
Delta has owned a Midland facility on Wheeler Street for over 27 years, but faced challenges due to an aging building and infrastructure. The new building will offer students an innovative environment with state-of-the-art technology, something Delta strives to provide to all of its students.
In addition to Midland, Delta College offers close-to-home educational classes in Saginaw and Bay City. In the off-campus environment, many first generation students find success, which can lead to a continuing cycle of education and employment opportunities. The new Downtown Saginaw Center is nearly complete and will open to students this fall.
"Delta College has always been committed to providing local citizens with a college education that’s affordable, the highest quality and easy to access," said Dr. Goodnow. "I believe this Downtown Midland Center will continue to fulfill that commitment to our communities."