April 10, 2020
The Delta College Planetarium may be temporary closed, but that isn’t stopping efforts
to connect with the community. Staff members are using tools that are always open
– the night sky and the internet.
The planetarium is offering virtual learning experiences on a variety of platforms, including social media, a podcast and a new video series. Topics focus on astronomy and space, as well as science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM).
“Our biggest goal right now is to stay connected with our community by sharing fun learning opportunities for all ages, including adults, students, children and families,” said Mike Murray, astronomer and manager of the Delta College Planetarium.
The planetarium has access to resources from across the country – from NASA to museums to STEM groups – and he said his team is picking those that are the most interesting and captivating.
“For example, during this time of social distancing, many of us are looking to the outdoors for engagement and stimulation. The night sky is one of those great natural resources for the mind and soul. We'll offer tidbits, including our own custom programming, on what to see in the night sky, hot space topics, and even hands-on experiments with what you can find around the house,” he said.
Murray hosts a weekly podcast, “Backyard Astronomer,” on Delta Broadcasting’s Q-90.1 that is available online. Custom videos covering the current night sky, like the upcoming appearance of Comet ATLAS, are available on the planetarium’s YouTube channel.
The planetarium is using social media as the primary way to share the resources. Follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Use the hashtag #LookUpHere.
Visit delta.edu/planet to learn more.
Written by Leah Twilley, Communications Specialist.