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Delta professor to premiere exhibit at Saginaw Art Museum

September 12, 2023

Andrew Rieder, Delta College professor of art and gallery coordinator, will debut his "Working on It" exhibition at the Saginaw Art Museum from September 13 - January 27, 2024.

Andrew Reider Working On It exhibition

An opening reception takes place Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30-7:30pm with all ages welcome to attend. An “Artist Talk” session with Rieder will occur on Saturday, November 11, at 1pm. Both events are free, with registration requested but not required.

The show of mixed media pieces explores “the value of work, the worker and what is gained as a result of the efforts” while telling a “deeper story of production and consumption.” 

“I layer my chosen imagery in a manner that creates a certain level of chaos and confusion in the composition. This gives the viewer a sense of multiple struggles in front of them, which are too numerous to discern,” Rieder said.

He added, “I also want the audience to understand how one's struggles can, at times, be too overwhelming to empathize with the struggles of another.”

In 2022, Rieder completed the mural “Shine-On Sanford.”

“The whole experience was a good reminder that the foundational principles of art and design that I teach in the classroom are applicable in all visually creative endeavors,” Rieder said. 

Learn more about Rieder and the mural.

For more information, contact the Saginaw Art Museum at 989-754-2491 or visit

By Ashley Terrell, Writer.