Few mysteries in the universe have the power and awe of the Black Hole. They lurk in the universe like cosmic dragons, unseen voids with the energy of a million suns. They can devour entire stars, and once in their grasp, nothing, not even light, can escape.
On Saturday, January 14 at 7pm the Delta College Planetarium and Learning Center will debut “Black Holes Revisited.” The show takes a new look at what astronomers have discovered about these mysterious objects. What are they? How are they made? Is the earth in danger of being pulled into one?
Narrated by film actor John de Lancie (“Q” in the Star Trek TV series), the special Dome360 program features three-dimensional simulations of Black Holes and the strange physical and visual effects they can create. With the help of science advisors from around the country, audiences will be able to see and feel what it might be like to approach the supermassive Black Hole at the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy, or speculate on the existence of “worm holes.”
The show will play on Saturdays at 7pm through February 25, and then at 7pm on Thursdays March 2 through 30. The film is best suited for ages 10 and up. Every show includes an interactive tour of the current evening sky as recreated in the planetarium and features hot topics in astronomy and space.
Tickets go on sale at the planetarium one hour before show time. Visitors are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes before show time. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students, children, seniors and military.
The Delta College Planetarium is located in downtown Bay City at 100 Center Ave. For more information go to Planetarium or call 989-667-2260.