April 11, 2017
The Delta Collegiate brought home 22 awards at the annual Michigan Community College Press Association luncheon and conference at Central Michigan University on April 8. Awards included first place for both General Excellence and Online Newspaper.
“Excellent journalism matters today more than ever, and Delta College is a great place for students to learn to ‘do journalism.’ In a time of fake news and alternative facts, the hard-working reporters, editors, photographers, videographers and designers at the Collegiate bring readers the truth across platforms,” said Crystal McMorris, English professor and adviser for the Collegiate.
Visit the Collegiate to read about all of their recent awards and see examples of the pieces that earned recognitions.
Students interested in joining the staff of the Collegiate are recommended to register for ENG 116 – News Writing, which meets in the fall on Mondays from 12 – 2pm. You can also contact Crystal McMorris at crystalmcmorris@delta.edu for more information.