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Trumping Obamacare?

In light of the recent initiatives seeking to repeal and replace Obamacare, the Delta Political Forum Series is holding an event to inform the Delta community on the topic. “Trumping Obamacare? The Future of the U.S. Health System” will be held from 7-8:30pm, Tuesday, April 4, in the Delta College Lecture Theater (G160).

A diverse panel of experts has been assembled to explore perspectives on this issue. The panel will include Beth Zieman, Delta College Nursing Professor; Jacob Bennet, representing Congressman Dan Kildee; Ann Coburn-Collins of the Great Lakes Bay Region YWCA; and Chris Cossin of McLaren Bay Regional. The forum will be moderated by Dr. Robert Moore, Delta College Political Science Professor.

The lively panel discussion will evaluate current issues related to the health of our nation such as the failure of the Republican healthcare plan to pass, health trends and pressing problems with the U.S. healthcare system, whether free-market alternatives can maintain the popular aspects of Obamacare, and the impact of the healthcare policy on various groups (on students, women, children, elderly, and healthcare providers). 

Colleen Wilson-Rood, Sociology Professor and Chair of the Delta Debates Political Forum Committee, said the health care forum provides a unique opportunity for diverse perspectives to engage in a civil dialogue, rather than talking past each other, as is common in today’s political environment. 

“The purpose of these political forums is first to inform, but also to engage the public in a civil dialogue on pressing issues affecting our community,” said Wilson-Rood. 

This event is free and open to the public. For disability related accommodations or for more information, contact Colleen Wilson-Rood at 989-686-9369 or