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Orion Constellation

On Friday, February 3 at 7pm the Delta College Planetarium and Learning Center will present a special program about the constellation of Orion as part of its monthly “Gateway to the Stars” series. Planetarium Manager and host of the series Mike Murray will provide a tour of the current evening sky in the planetarium’s Dome360 Theater and feature the winter’s most prominent star pattern, including its famous Great Orion Nebula.

“Gateway to the Stars” will highlight a number of deep sky wonders currently visible in the night sky, demonstrating how to find and observe them with binoculars and telescopes. The star theater will be used to demonstrate how to get around the night sky by observing the stars and constellations, using them as guideposts for locating deep sky wonders with telescopes. The Planetarium’s modern Digistar system will also allow for uniquely immersive three-dimensional voyages into the Milky Way galaxy, including a 1300 light-year trip to the Orion Nebula, one of the best known birthplaces of stars.

After the show (and weather permitting), visitors are invited onto the Planetarium's rooftop observation deck for a night sky viewing session with binoculars and telescopes. Visitors are encouraged to dress warmly for this part of the event.

“Gateway to the Stars” plays on the first Friday of every month at 7pm in the Planetarium digital dome theater. Tickets are specially priced at $3 per seat and go on sale at the Planetarium one hour before show time. All ages are welcome. 

The Delta College Planetarium is located in downtown Bay City at 100 Center Ave.  For more information go to Planetarium or call 989-667-2260.