Delta Q-TV receives Michigan EMMY nominations for documentary
Robert Przybylski, Producer/Director, and Christine Santiago Drake, Independent Producer
and Writer, received the nomination in the Historical Documentary category, and Pat Cronley of Flint garnered a nomination for his work on the musical soundtrack
for the documentary.
SETTLING IN: Immigrants & Cultures that Built Mid-Michigan examines how ancestral groups shaped Mid-Michigan and explores how their local communities
survived and thrived amidst the challenges of starting a new life in a strange and
unfamiliar land.
This is Przybylski’s fourth nomination and Santiago Drake’s third. Cronley won in
2010 for his work on the Q-TV 2010 documentary RESTORED TO GLORY – Classic Automobiles, Collectors & Their Stories.
“This award confirms to us that other experts see the quality of the local documentaries
we produce,” said Tom Bennett, Delta College Quality Broadcasting General Manager.
“But, we know that our community values the local programs too, because they call
in to tell us when they see them on the air. As a matter of fact, during our recent
on-air fund drive, we heard from 272 people who invested another $35,500 in our programming.”
Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony held at the Motor City Casino in
June in Detroit. For more information contact Bob Przybylski at Q-TV at 989-686-9569 or