May 12, 2017
Take a class at Delta this summer as a guest student.
Taking a few classes as a guest student is a great way to complete your degree faster. Students also say it’s a great way
to tackle a difficult subject. Get step-by-step details about registration.
We’ve got a huge variety of 100 and 200 level general education courses to choose
Review all your options in search for classes.
One of the very best features of Delta College is its convenience.
Start in May or July, and choose from 7 ½, 10 or 15 week classes. If you want even
more convenience, you can filter your class options by online or one of our centers
in Bay City, Midland and Saginaw using the Location pull-down feature.
Have questions about admission, sending official transcripts, prerequisites or transferring
We have expert answers. Try us! Contact Admissions at or 989-686-9490.