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Q-TV Premieres Local Documentary

Delta College Quality Public Television, Q-TV will premiere its newest locally-produced documentary, “Sailing Into the Past – Travels Aboard El Galeón Andalucía and the Tall Ship Celebration,” on Thursday, March 9 at 8 p.m. It will repeat on Sunday, March 12 at 7 p.m. Both airings will take place during Q-TV’s annual spring on-air pledge drive, which runs from March 4 through March 12.

The 90-minute documentary – narrated by Eric Jylha, retired WNEM-TV 5 weatherman and Delta College alumni – takes viewers aboard a replica 16th century Spanish galleon that took part in the Tall Ships Challenge® tour of the Great Lakes this past summer. Bay City was one of the port city stops.

Three Q-TV staff members – Bob Przybylski and Marshall Fulmer, Producer Directors; and Matt Murphy, QTV Producers Marshall Fulmer and Matt Murphy, TV Operations Producer – traveled to Fairport Harbor, Ohio in July to meet up with El Galeón Andalucía and then joined the crew as it traveled to Bay City.

Viewers will travel in the 16th century environment as the vessel makes its way through Lake Erie, the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron and, ultimately, the Saginaw River. The documentary also includes footage from the three-day Tall Ship Celebration.

“It was a very unique experience, traveling with the vessel crew and being able to see the sights and sounds of the Tall Ship Celebration,” said Przybylski, who executive produced the documentary. “The film will give our viewers a first-hand look at the journey and the festival, and I am very pleased that Delta College was allowed to be a part of this local event.”

For more information, contact Przybylski at 989-686-9569 or