October 4, 2018
Due to projected growth, there is a significant and immediate need for Chemical Process
Operators. Dow Chemical in collaboration with Delta College and Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!, have announced the next Delta College Chemical Process Operator Fast StartTM job training session which will be held December 3 – March 15. This 13-week, 40 hours per week, accelerated training program is designed to prepare
individuals for careers as Chemical Process Operators.
More than 95 percent of individuals who have completed Chemical Process Operator Fast Start™ program have received full time job offers. Operator starting pay range is $16.64 – $24.97 per hour. Financial support for training may be available through Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works!
Apply Now
Applications are due on or before November 16 and are available at Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! offices or at www.delta.edu/faststart. You can also learn more by attending one of the information session and meet representatives from Dow Chemical, Delta College and Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! Visit www.delta.edu/faststart for dates and locations.
Limited seats are available for this training. Applications will be taken until filled.