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Dr. Reva Curry to Receive PTK College Administrator Award

March 1, 2018

Dr. Reva CurryDr. Reva Curry, Delta College Vice President of Instruction & Learning Services will be recognized by Phi Theta Kappa along with 26 other college administrators for the Distinguished College Administrator Awards during PTK Catalyst 2018.

The Society’s annual convention will take place in Kansas City, Missouri on April 19-21. The Distinguished College Administrator Awards are presented to college vice presidents, deans, or directors serving at postsecondary institutions who have demonstrated a strong level of support for the PTK chapters on their campuses. 

“Dr. Curry’s longterm vision and support of our local Phi Theta Kappa chapter, XI Delta, has been unmatched,” said Crystal Starkey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English and Delta College PTK Advisor.

Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helps members to grow as scholars and leaders. The Society is made up of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters. Delta College’s PTK chapter has 251 members.

Curry has been with Delta College since 2014. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania and was formerly Vice President of Student Services at Salem Community College and Executive Director of the new Center for Community Engagement at Stockton College. Before transitioning to administration, Dr. Curry was a full-time faculty member at the Medical College of Georgia, Thomas Jefferson University and Harrisburg Area Community College.