July 30, 2018
As the planet Mars makes its closest approach to Earth since 2003, the Delta College
Planetarium, Sunset Astronomical Society and Bay City State Park are giving viewers
a unique opportunity to see it through telescopes. On Saturday, August 11, beginning
at 8pm, activities will begin inside the Saginaw Bay Visitor Center at Bay City State
This will include a presentation about Mars and observing the night sky in the visitor center auditorium starting at 8:30pm by Brian Kennedy of the Delta College Planetarium. The talk will also highlight tips on observing the Perseid Meteor Shower, which is currently at peak activity. The program is free and open to all ages.
At 9:30pm (weather permitting), signs and red landscape path lights will direct the public to the paved lot west of the Visitor Center and main parking lot, so viewers can look through telescopes and binoculars. If the skies are clear, observers will get to see the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, as well as a tour of constellations and deep sky wonders. Since the moon is currently not visible, it will make conditions ideal for seeing "shooting stars" affiliated with the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. If the skies are cloudy, the 8:30pm program will run as scheduled and park staff will provide night hikes (weather permitting).
The public can come early for other park events leading up to the evening programs. These include "Music from The Marsh" at 7pm, and a variety of night-themed activities courtesy of Cabela’s, Gander Outdoors, Sunset Astronomical Society and the Friends of Bay City Recreation Area at 8pm.
Admission to all the events are free – entrance to the park requires a DNR Recreation Passport, details at www.michigan.gov/saginawbayvc. Assuming clear skies, gates will remain open to the observing site until 11:30pm. Visitors to the observing area will need to cover their flashlights or phone lights with red filters, which will be provided by Park staff.
The sky observing portion of the event is weather dependent but the 8:30pm program will run rain or shine. The event is sponsored by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Delta College Planetarium, and Sunset Astronomical Society. For more details, visit bit.ly/MarsWatch.
The Saginaw Bay Visitor Center is located at Bay City State Park, 3582 State Park Dr, Bay City, MI 48706. Phone 989-667-0717. A directions link is at bit.ly/SaginawBayVisitorCenter.