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Program Faculty

The instructor in class.


David Bailey

Learn all about the various forms of life on Earth (including you!) and how those life forms shape and are shaped by the world we live in.

Our classes encompass plant, animal, human and environmental biology in addition to exploring cutting-edge biotechnology like DNA fingerprinting. Let these classes put you on the path to a career in a related field such as allied health, research, education, environmental science or conservation and resource management. 

Enrich your life and travel while taking a field course to study in Ireland, Scotland or other international destination. Perhaps stay closer to home to study Winter Ecology, Stream Ecology, Wildflowers, Birds of Michigan, or swim with the Dolphins in Florida! Don't suffer from Nature deficit disorder... the earth is here for you to explore! Biology is LIFE!

Areas of Expertise

  • Environmental Science
  • Ecology
  • Resource Conservation


  • PhD, Case Western Reserve University
  • BA, Hiram College

Meet David

Presentations & Publications

Courses Taught

  • BIO 111W, Principles of Biology
  • BIO 130W, Introduction to Chemistry and Cell Biology
  • BIO 171, Integrated General Biology I
  • BIO 172W, Integrated General Biology II
  • BIO 203W, General Microbiology
  • BIO 274, Introduction to Biotechnology
  • CHM 221, Organic Biochemistry


Accordion 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur, dicta, ullam. Eveniet esse culpa magni corrupti alias voluptatibus provident! Id at necessitatibus possimus obcaecati voluptatibus qui! Dignissimos, quia quaerat voluptates incidunt vel beatae, dolores officiis quod adipisci cupiditate! Eligendi quidem molestias atque officiis iure, beatae voluptates sit ipsam eaque. Nobis, obcaecati eius animi facilis, iste provident dolorem repellat, amet optio repudiandae enim quaerat consequatur.

Accordion 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto quod est eos pariatur iste sint, ipsa voluptatem, atque libero nulla praesentium aliquid sunt debitis alias dignissimos suscipit sapiente saepe eveniet odio culpa!

Area(s) of Interest

  • Molecular Biology
David Bailey

I love teaching Biology!