Partnering with our community on sustainability projects is something we really love to do. It brings our community, our students and sustainability together, where everyone benefits.
We are always looking for ways to engage with our community in a sustainable way. We'd love to hear your idea. Contact us today!
At Delta, we are committed to investing in our faculty and staff and the Association
for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) is just one tool
we use to assist with that.
AASHE seeks to empower higher education faculty, administrators, staff and students to be effective change agents and drivers of sustainability innovation. They offer invaluable resources and professional development opportunities, and work with higher education to ensure that our world's future leaders are motivated and equipped to solve sustainability challenges.
The U.S. Green Building Council provides the standards Delta uses to measure major
campus renovations and additions. Innovators of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) certification program, Delta's Health Professions Building is Certified
LEED Gold, the new Downtown Campuses in Saginaw and Midland are both Certified LEED
Silver and we are currently seeking LEED certification for the Electronic Media Broadcasting
– A Wing Renovations. Areas rated by the USGBC include:
- Site Location & Transportation Resources
- Water Efficiency
- Energy Performance
- Materials & Resources Used
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Innovation
Pick one thing you want to change to make our world a little greener. There are so many options! Once you've made your choice, being deliberate for just a few weeks will make a lasting change and a better world.
There's Power in a Single Action.