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Collaborations & Outreach

We love working with organizations to provide great opportunities and experiences for our students (often helping our community at the same time). Honestly, we love win-win situations; and collaborating with Delta is just that! 

So what's your plan? Your idea? How can we work together? There are so many possibilities!

  • Student Athletes
    Athletes volunteer in area schools

    Our student athletes are awesome. They mentor in local schools, teaching kids to work hard to achieve their dreams. Want to work with our students? Contact us. 

    Work with student volunteers

  • SVSU Articulation Signing
    Articulation agreements make getting that bachelor's degree even easier

    When we partner with other higher ed institutions, everybody wins; especially our students. Let's talk! 

    Collaborate on articulations

  • Students working in trades lab
    Working to build our region's future workforce

    Are you interested in hiring a Delta grad? Do you want to get involved with Delta students or be a part of on-campus activities? Delta works with employers to help them hire students and develop the local talent pipeline. We work hard to give you access to a highly-skilled workforce. 

    LEARN MORE ABOUT Career Services

“All I need to do is make a phone call and the Career Services team does the rest. Hiring in our industry can be a task. But, by working with Delta, it’s much easier.”

Scott Monville
ESCON Group, Bay City