Program Overview

Are you interested in studying history? An undergraduate degree in historical studies provides key skills necessary for today’s careers. The History Department at Delta College offers an excellent selection of courses which apply to your Associate of Arts degree as you prepare for transfer to a baccalaureate program in history.
Make a strong start on your bachelor’s degree in History with our Major Pathway. The History Department at Delta College offers an excellent selection of courses such as Early or Later Western Civilization, Early or Recent American History, Michigan History, African-American History, Renaissances and Reformations and U.S. Women's History. Some classes even include internship/volunteer opportunities!
About Delta's Program
Taking history classes at Delta is a smart way to get started in a career in education, research, business, and governmental affairs.
For information about how your Delta courses will transfer to various universities, check with the admissions office of your transfer institution. You can begin exploring how classes will transfer with the Michigan Transfer Network.
Interested? Make an appointment with academic advising to discuss your dreams. Courses transfer differently based on the university you plan to attend. An advisor can help you determine the exact courses you need to get the education you’re looking for.
HIS 111W or 112W – Early or Later Western Civilization
HIS 215W – Recent African-American History
ENG 111W – College Composition I
LW 221W – Fitness and Wellness
Math course that meets Associate in Arts requirements
HIS 221W or 222W – Early or Later American History
HIS 237W – History of Michigan
ENG 112W – College Composition II
COM 112W or 114W – Oral/Interpersonal Communication
Science course with lab that meets Associate in Arts requirements
HIS 111W or 112W – Early or Later Western Civilization
HIS 221W or 222W – Early or Later American History
Elective in the Humanities
Elective in the Social Sciences
Elective in the Humanities
Choose two of the following history courses:
HIS 225W – History of Gender in the U.S.
HIS 240W – History of Reformations and Renaissances
An elective of your choice
Two Elective Courses to Equal Six Credits (one in science)
Why you should choose Delta
Life is busy. But that shouldn't get in the way of your education. Delta offers classes at night, on weekends and online to make taking classes and getting that degree easier. Plus, Delta has three centers so you can take classes even closer to home.
The specially-designed courses emphasize creative and critical thinking, providing a unique learning experience. You have more exploration of the subject area with increased faculty and student interaction. Make the most of your Delta experience. Join Honors!
So you are thinking about transferring? Representatives from several area universities maintain regular office hours right in our academic advising office, and others drop in frequently. Get the answers you need by making an appointment or stopping by to talk directly with your future university.
facts & figures

At $133 per contact hour for students living in Bay, Midland or Saginaw County, Delta College is the most affordable college within 60 miles.

In a national survey, 94 percent of Delta College students said they would recommend Delta to a friend.