Art enriches our lives. It opens our eyes to a part of ourselves and a part of society we didn't see before. At Delta, we value that.
You can stroll through campus and enjoy the beautiful works that are scattered throughout the grounds as part of the Delta Sculpture Walk. Explore our permanent art collection. Or, come to the Galleria and enjoy the new exhibits on display.
Delta Sculpture Walk
With more than 20 works throughout the Delta College grounds, you can enjoy amazing works of art wherever you are at Delta.
You can see great art works throughout the year at the Galleria. The exhibits change regularly so visit often.
Permanent Collection
As you walk the halls of Delta you'll see art everywhere. We have a permanent collection on display throughout campus.

Delta's Sculpture Walk features works by nationally and internationally renowned artists.

The Galleria features 7 different art shows each year.

50 students displayed their award-winning works of art in the Galleria this year at the Student Art Exhibit.