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Service & Support (Banner Heading)
Services & Support

We're here to help. Delta offers a wide variety of services to make sure you're positioned to succeed. From academic advising to career services and tutoring -- we want to make sure you have the right support when you need it.

  • placeholder

    Can be used to feature faculty, students, etc. This, of course, is not the real copy for this site. The real words will be written once we arrive at the content creation phase.

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  • placeholder

    Can be used to feature faculty, students, etc. This, of course, is not the real copy for this site. The real words will be written once we arrive at the content creation phase.

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  • placeholder

    Can be used to feature faculty, students, etc. This, of course, is not the real copy for this site. The real words will be written once we arrive at the content creation phase.

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Service & Support

Academic Resources

We assist you in achieving academic and personal success through informed decision-making. This is the place to go when you have questions about scheduling classes, picking a major, transferring to another college, finding a job or just making sure you are on the right track.
